i've got my picture up from back when i started this site. i figured it's best to go out the way i came in. in honor of the last year, here's a link to my first ever SG entry!
i'm going to go on a posting rampage in the next few days (excluding the weekend because this site isn't worth my time on the weekends) until i reach 12,000 posts or until i'm zotted, whichever comes first. that way i can leave on a nice round number. and who gives a rat's ass anyway?
in other news, i'm tired and i can't wake up and i'm listening to g'n'r lies. i also deleted a few of you!!! don't come crying to me. i doubt you will, because who really gives a fuck, right? i certainly don't really give a fuck about any of you (well, most of you) so what of it?
i'm cranky today. can'tcha tell?

i'm going to go on a posting rampage in the next few days (excluding the weekend because this site isn't worth my time on the weekends) until i reach 12,000 posts or until i'm zotted, whichever comes first. that way i can leave on a nice round number. and who gives a rat's ass anyway?
in other news, i'm tired and i can't wake up and i'm listening to g'n'r lies. i also deleted a few of you!!! don't come crying to me. i doubt you will, because who really gives a fuck, right? i certainly don't really give a fuck about any of you (well, most of you) so what of it?
i'm cranky today. can'tcha tell?

i met a guy this weekend who may have been constructed in the liger soulmate factory, but as the hazard of living where i do... people come into and out of yor life really fast.
so even though i am completely enamored with said person, he leaves tonight and although will be back in two weeks- i am kind of playing it ultra cool to avoid the drama which will most definitely occur due 99% to logistics.