step right up. why do we do this? the weather here is fine. my sweater smells like you. his shower is like a hose. the fence is loud when it wakes me. i will miss you when you're gone. my bike. your breath fresh in the morning like mint. our days of longing end soon. this is not the week for patience. watch for the moon. this time ends. july is the end. no more crying wolf. stop sending me your nonsense. i am not your god. you are not children. this is so strange. this sanity is the end. why do you want to leave?
i'm feeling ambivalent. listening to the jesus and mary chain. my arm hurts. i'm graduating in 2 weeks. this site seems dead. nobody does anything anymore. everyone is a snarky asshole. not everyone. not you. are we heading for an explosion? is the world going to break in half? are our brains going to spill out?
i miss being dead. i miss being high. i miss the power you brought me when you came out in the rain and held my held and kissed me hard on the mouth. i miss the way you used to laugh. i miss how we used to drink hard alcohol by the pool while the sun went down firey and golden past the mountains. i miss smoking pot on the stairs. i miss young girls with big tits wanting free advice. i miss being alive. i miss your ageless song.
i'm after the sun. most of the people here won't figure me out. i once wanted you to come out here, once, but now the glass is fogged. you know the feeling.
remember when we ran across the field, full, sun, all around and about, we ran forever. i thought you were my only one. i thought you lasted on and on. i thought for days and your smell never left me. now i smell you. i smell lemon and sweetgrass and hope, i hope for neverending sweetness with you.
my candles all burned down now around the hall. i felt you once again fuzzed and drunk and smiling, all around me now. you were there for awhile, and i felt your lips pressing soft, pressing gentle like the misting rain on fingertips. now is the time when we part. you have been my sweet rolling hill, my lovely flowing river, full of frogs. you have been my forever.
i am not ready yet to say goodbye.
but i will.
i'm feeling ambivalent. listening to the jesus and mary chain. my arm hurts. i'm graduating in 2 weeks. this site seems dead. nobody does anything anymore. everyone is a snarky asshole. not everyone. not you. are we heading for an explosion? is the world going to break in half? are our brains going to spill out?
i miss being dead. i miss being high. i miss the power you brought me when you came out in the rain and held my held and kissed me hard on the mouth. i miss the way you used to laugh. i miss how we used to drink hard alcohol by the pool while the sun went down firey and golden past the mountains. i miss smoking pot on the stairs. i miss young girls with big tits wanting free advice. i miss being alive. i miss your ageless song.
i'm after the sun. most of the people here won't figure me out. i once wanted you to come out here, once, but now the glass is fogged. you know the feeling.
remember when we ran across the field, full, sun, all around and about, we ran forever. i thought you were my only one. i thought you lasted on and on. i thought for days and your smell never left me. now i smell you. i smell lemon and sweetgrass and hope, i hope for neverending sweetness with you.
my candles all burned down now around the hall. i felt you once again fuzzed and drunk and smiling, all around me now. you were there for awhile, and i felt your lips pressing soft, pressing gentle like the misting rain on fingertips. now is the time when we part. you have been my sweet rolling hill, my lovely flowing river, full of frogs. you have been my forever.
i am not ready yet to say goodbye.
but i will.
I KNOW!!! So good!
i didn't mean to do that.