Should I end my time here with something witty and poignant? Should I try to impress you all with my words and my views on topics like steak or politics? Or should I just split? What does it matter?
So, I'm out of here on Sunday. Maybe for good. Maybe I'll be back. Who knows what the future will bring? But thanks everyone. I met some fine people on this site, and I'll miss you. I think I've sent my email address to everyone. Have a merry Christmas and a happy fucking new year. Please note my birthday- December 30. If you care to send email wishes, that is. Hint.

PS. If you don't get the picture, it's a sunset. I'm walking off into it.
So I'll wait for you
Where I always wait
Behind the signs that sell the news
I'll watch for you like yesterday
And hope for you
One day that once
Spent out on me
And up 'til late
I search for you
Your hat pushed straight
Away from me
Your measured step
Heads up you win
Always too late
If I could just once catch your eye
Invisible against the words
That hold you down in solitude
And never let you go
The way that every time
My eyes just close
Like lids of wooden men in file
I put you under rainy day
Your hat's all off
And I'm gone away
Yes, that was scintillating, thank you. You should prepare to be blown away, too.
YES! Wine of the Month delivered today! Cross your fingers for me that it's not white (