ok, ok. so i'm getting alot of people asking me, both by email and phone calls, to explain the origins of BALUMPUS. i think that last night alone i had zero requests, but i had stopped counting by then.
on a faraway night from my younger years, when i was 17, i was at my high school gym, watching my high school basketball team, the Trojans, beat a team from a vocational/technical school handily named Vo-Tech. we had never come close to beating Vo-Tech before, and emotions were running high. in the spirit of the evening, i shouted at the top of my lungs "Look under the floor! You'll find the bones!" which sent me and my friend off into fits of helpless laughter.
suddenly it struck me that there were two gods watching over the Trojans that night, Balumpus and Shababa. Shababa was the trickster. it was he who hid the bones under the floor. Balumpus was the benign god who wanted only good for his people. Balumpus helped that kind 21 year old girl buy beer for us after the basketball games.
when it came time to change my identity here on SG (mostly to hide from overbearing fans) i realized the only path to take was to revive Balumpus from his years of meditation and isolation on his far away cloudy mountaintop. and so Balumpus has returned.
now please, stop bothering me! i've had to change my home number...how did any of you find my home telephone number????
have a great day.
on a faraway night from my younger years, when i was 17, i was at my high school gym, watching my high school basketball team, the Trojans, beat a team from a vocational/technical school handily named Vo-Tech. we had never come close to beating Vo-Tech before, and emotions were running high. in the spirit of the evening, i shouted at the top of my lungs "Look under the floor! You'll find the bones!" which sent me and my friend off into fits of helpless laughter.
suddenly it struck me that there were two gods watching over the Trojans that night, Balumpus and Shababa. Shababa was the trickster. it was he who hid the bones under the floor. Balumpus was the benign god who wanted only good for his people. Balumpus helped that kind 21 year old girl buy beer for us after the basketball games.
when it came time to change my identity here on SG (mostly to hide from overbearing fans) i realized the only path to take was to revive Balumpus from his years of meditation and isolation on his far away cloudy mountaintop. and so Balumpus has returned.
now please, stop bothering me! i've had to change my home number...how did any of you find my home telephone number????
have a great day.

heh. me too. hence the pilates!