in very exciting news, andromeda is coming to los angeles soon. wish her a safe trip and a great time.
today i am hungover but in a good, mellow sort of way. it feels like i took a valium or something nice like that. i have my vocal class tonight where i get to see the cute girl i have a crush of two or three crushes i have, i suppose.
the old car is on its last legs as of today. wish us the best until we can afford a new one. there's no point fixing it again. just throwing money away.
don't we all miss miss_lady?
i had a very unsettling dream last night. my sister-in-law robin, her husband and their two boys were going to be on a reality show about a car wash. they were going to drive their SUV through a long automated car wash and everyone on TV would watch. dreams are strange. i'm watching on TV as they enter the car wash and laughing hysterically, but i don't know why. suddenly, i am in the back seat of their SUV. its very dark outside the SUV with lots of confusing movement. yellow lights are flashing outside the windows, and i am crouched down in the seat as far as I can go, but Im still laughing. suddenly robins face looms over the front seat at me and she starts telling me how its funny that I know everything thats going to happen but its too bad that all the colors are hard and strange. I stop laughing and just as Im about to tell her that nothing can get at her from where I am, there is a sudden quick movement to my right and something jumps from underneath the seat at both of us. I woke up really fast, kicking my legs. I think I kicked my wife and I thought she said my name but she doesnt remember that. I was afraid to go back to sleep and was even unsure whether I was actually awake.

today i am hungover but in a good, mellow sort of way. it feels like i took a valium or something nice like that. i have my vocal class tonight where i get to see the cute girl i have a crush of two or three crushes i have, i suppose.
the old car is on its last legs as of today. wish us the best until we can afford a new one. there's no point fixing it again. just throwing money away.
don't we all miss miss_lady?
i had a very unsettling dream last night. my sister-in-law robin, her husband and their two boys were going to be on a reality show about a car wash. they were going to drive their SUV through a long automated car wash and everyone on TV would watch. dreams are strange. i'm watching on TV as they enter the car wash and laughing hysterically, but i don't know why. suddenly, i am in the back seat of their SUV. its very dark outside the SUV with lots of confusing movement. yellow lights are flashing outside the windows, and i am crouched down in the seat as far as I can go, but Im still laughing. suddenly robins face looms over the front seat at me and she starts telling me how its funny that I know everything thats going to happen but its too bad that all the colors are hard and strange. I stop laughing and just as Im about to tell her that nothing can get at her from where I am, there is a sudden quick movement to my right and something jumps from underneath the seat at both of us. I woke up really fast, kicking my legs. I think I kicked my wife and I thought she said my name but she doesnt remember that. I was afraid to go back to sleep and was even unsure whether I was actually awake.
I like the CD you made, which I got through the CD swap today. I love Catherine Wheel & James is cool. I have a James CD with a bunch of experimental tracks. I haven't listened to it in a long time but I like it a lot!
That Red Rockers song is one of my favorites from the 80's.