tell you what, children of the corn 4 really sucks. usually it's fun to watch karen black overact, but even whilst sipping cruzan single barrel rum, it was a pain.
naomi watts would be hot in anything though.
dsl is back on, very pleased about that.
have a great day, everyone. niobe, i'm glad you solved your mystery.
hotcurry, don't work too hard.
miss_lady, drink better vodka from now on!
PS....if for some reason or another you click to look at my wish list and there is anything on there by tim mcgraw, anita baker or jill scott, it's NOT MINE...i don't know whose it keeps linking too, but unless i'm actuallly logged in to amazon, the wish list that i have isn't mine...
naomi watts would be hot in anything though.
dsl is back on, very pleased about that.
have a great day, everyone. niobe, i'm glad you solved your mystery.
hotcurry, don't work too hard.
miss_lady, drink better vodka from now on!
PS....if for some reason or another you click to look at my wish list and there is anything on there by tim mcgraw, anita baker or jill scott, it's NOT MINE...i don't know whose it keeps linking too, but unless i'm actuallly logged in to amazon, the wish list that i have isn't mine...
but you like the cure and a-ha so you are officially cool. you should collect living dead dolls tho. that is teh ULTIMATE coolness define-er.
well the thing is, sometimes being an absolute dork is cool in itself. i'm a total nerd for collecting living dead dolls but i'm also cooler than anyone that doesn't.
i need a digital camera.
i saw the cure like a gazillion years ago and robert smith sweat onto me. i thought i was going to die. i was like 15.