belzar once said to me that i wouldn't be able to smell purple anymore. things like this cause sadness and create thoughts of bilzo. oh.
doesn't the bible say something? a FEW things?
whatcher doin over tharn?
dammit, the acid must be wearing off. back to reality for a second. anyone know what happened to cherrybombbettie?
i know, i know, the link takes you to the main page. it's like she just gray zone, no "don'tcha miss yer friend" page, just...gone. spooky shit, say thankya.
i mean, my friends list is just getting pared down to the essentials. when i was in the gray zone, two "friends" dropped me like a hot potato, but i guess they weren't for real anyhoo. so i don't visit their pages anymore or nuttin. it's like they never were...
and no, i'm not talking about you, chrischick, cause you're so damn hot i could never speak ill of you again.
and the rest of you are awesome. if i ever do or say or spurt out something that rubs ya negative, tell me and berate me, but don't just drop me, if it do ya fine. say thankya big-big...
now it's back to the world of make believe, with flowers and bells and leprechauns, and magic frogs with funny little hats...
doesn't the bible say something? a FEW things?
whatcher doin over tharn?
dammit, the acid must be wearing off. back to reality for a second. anyone know what happened to cherrybombbettie?
i know, i know, the link takes you to the main page. it's like she just gray zone, no "don'tcha miss yer friend" page, just...gone. spooky shit, say thankya.
i mean, my friends list is just getting pared down to the essentials. when i was in the gray zone, two "friends" dropped me like a hot potato, but i guess they weren't for real anyhoo. so i don't visit their pages anymore or nuttin. it's like they never were...
and no, i'm not talking about you, chrischick, cause you're so damn hot i could never speak ill of you again.
and the rest of you are awesome. if i ever do or say or spurt out something that rubs ya negative, tell me and berate me, but don't just drop me, if it do ya fine. say thankya big-big...
now it's back to the world of make believe, with flowers and bells and leprechauns, and magic frogs with funny little hats...
CherryBombBettie said:
Eww... looks like SG is finnaly turning into fucking Playboy. Gross.
I'm guessing she was zotted for it...
\Keel"haul`\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Keelhauled; p. pr. & vb. n. Keelhauling.] [3d keel + haul: cf. LG. & D. kielhalen, G. kielholen. ] [Written also keelhale.] (Naut.) To haul under the keel of a ship, by ropes attached to the yardarms on each side. It was formerly practiced as a punishment in the Dutch and English navies.