well, i didn't pass out, but i got way high, drank a lot of junebugs, and watched baraka AND young frankenstein. plus we had a band playing acoustic in our courtyard with a djembe and christina bellydanced while we all ate sausage sandwiches and smoked prescription marijuana. later on before the movies i spun some music.
yeah, the party was as lame as it sounds.
angel0diablo, i hope you enjoyed
i think you're all fucked in the head. we're ten hours from the fucking fun park and you wanna bail out. well i'm gonna tell you something. this is no longer a vacation. it's a quest. it's a quest for fun. i'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. we're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddam smiles. we'll be whistling zippedee-doo-da out of our assholes.
ps. if anyone in L.A. knows of a rockin tattoo artist that they both know and trust, please let me know of them. thanks.
So I'll wait for you
Where I always wait
Behind the signs that sell the news
I'll watch for you like yesterday
And hope for you
One day that once
Spent out on me
And up 'til late
I search for you
Your hat pushed straight
Away from me
Your measured step
Heads up you win
Always too late
If I could just once catch your eye
Invisible against the words
That hold you down in solitude
And never let you go
The way that every time
My eyes just close
Like lids of wooden men in file
I put you under rainy day
Your hat's all off
And I'm gone away...
OK--- i absolutely hate to delete this current journal. it's too fun, too many good comments, and it reminds me of my party.
so, welcome new friends. if you are here wondering why you have a friend request from me, i am going around to all people not on my friend list who have made comments in the last few journals, making friend requests of my own. if you don't, i understand as we haven't had much contact. but i hope you see the benefits of adding me to your list. i come around every few days just to say hi!
have a great weekend!!!
UPDATE: 8-9. i'm thinking of getting a ticket to curiosa in carson on aug. 27 (friday). anybody want to come with me? let me know.
another UPDATE: 8-12. everyone stop by angel0diablo 's page and tell her congrats.
yeah, the party was as lame as it sounds.

angel0diablo, i hope you enjoyed

i think you're all fucked in the head. we're ten hours from the fucking fun park and you wanna bail out. well i'm gonna tell you something. this is no longer a vacation. it's a quest. it's a quest for fun. i'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. we're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddam smiles. we'll be whistling zippedee-doo-da out of our assholes.
ps. if anyone in L.A. knows of a rockin tattoo artist that they both know and trust, please let me know of them. thanks.

So I'll wait for you
Where I always wait
Behind the signs that sell the news
I'll watch for you like yesterday
And hope for you
One day that once
Spent out on me
And up 'til late
I search for you
Your hat pushed straight
Away from me
Your measured step
Heads up you win
Always too late
If I could just once catch your eye
Invisible against the words
That hold you down in solitude
And never let you go
The way that every time
My eyes just close
Like lids of wooden men in file
I put you under rainy day
Your hat's all off
And I'm gone away...
OK--- i absolutely hate to delete this current journal. it's too fun, too many good comments, and it reminds me of my party.
so, welcome new friends. if you are here wondering why you have a friend request from me, i am going around to all people not on my friend list who have made comments in the last few journals, making friend requests of my own. if you don't, i understand as we haven't had much contact. but i hope you see the benefits of adding me to your list. i come around every few days just to say hi!
have a great weekend!!!

UPDATE: 8-9. i'm thinking of getting a ticket to curiosa in carson on aug. 27 (friday). anybody want to come with me? let me know.
another UPDATE: 8-12. everyone stop by angel0diablo 's page and tell her congrats.
Go to TATTOO ASYLUM and speak to Adrian. he did my tattoo,, look under my pictures to see it. he is really good at all sorts of things, not just symbols or tribal but A LOT. he has a book and there are other guys there that rock it too.. check it out.
i want to get my nipples pierced. i think i am going to do it.
~ the angel*