Hmmm... I seem to have managed to lose all my previous journal posts. I wonder how that could have happened? I would guess my being a complete technospazz might have *Isomething* to do with it.
Oh well, not great loss. They were a bit shit anyway.
Today I am mostly not loving work, having been writing a document until 2.30 am and then getting out...
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Oh well, not great loss. They were a bit shit anyway.
Today I am mostly not loving work, having been writing a document until 2.30 am and then getting out...
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aw and yes! you did visit my island a little bit too early
how did you like cuba? I love both islands, it is funny how my life is surrounded by sea. all the way!

how did you like cuba? I love both islands, it is funny how my life is surrounded by sea. all the way!
thanks for the support hon. I'm sorry you went through a tough time, glad you got through it. I know it'll pass, just when you're in it, as I'm sure you know it seems endless and impossible like some kind of ocean of honey hehe. xx
Good grief! 15 months on SG and seven journal entries. I am making JD Sallinger look prolific. At least old Sallinger had the excuse that he was too busy getting jiggy with worryingly young girls to write many more books.
So, what is new? Not much really. January is that sort of month isn't it. At some point over the next two days I need...
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So, what is new? Not much really. January is that sort of month isn't it. At some point over the next two days I need...
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Now, I like to think I'm a fair-minded sort of chap, but I am really starting to lose patience with the Derbyshire town of Chesterfield. It's inconveniently located (i.e. I need to travel more than two hours on a train to get there), its hotels are universally shit and I need to spend part of every working week there. Most recently, I appear to have...
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It's not in Sheffield ;-)
There's a kind of sofa named after it?
Thanks for the good luck, as you can see I managed to get the ears removed, and put them straight back on after the haircut.
Thanks for the good luck, as you can see I managed to get the ears removed, and put them straight back on after the haircut.

Public service announcement: Contrary to what groups of overseas visitors seem to think, when travelling on the London Underground, endlessly mimicking the "Mind the gap" announcement is not the most hilarious thing ever. So please cease and desist. Thank you
aww, thanks hun!!
I'm back home now, so London's hotness quotient may have dropped a touch lol. Carlisle's wont have risen.... too many sheep up here. (God, I'm starting to hate this place as much as Lock does lol)

I'm back home now, so London's hotness quotient may have dropped a touch lol. Carlisle's wont have risen.... too many sheep up here. (God, I'm starting to hate this place as much as Lock does lol)
Here Here! lol (just read your journal entry) lol!
Once when I was down, there were some American guys laughing everytime the doors closed, because earlier on the train, one of them had got his head stuck in the doors when they closed lol. I was standing there, trying my hardest not to laugh and failing... Lock didn't seem impressed by them thou lol
Once when I was down, there were some American guys laughing everytime the doors closed, because earlier on the train, one of them had got his head stuck in the doors when they closed lol. I was standing there, trying my hardest not to laugh and failing... Lock didn't seem impressed by them thou lol

Well, Lisbon was quite an experience; especially the constant stream of north African men in ill-fitting suits using the ostensible sale of sunglasses as a cover for their attempts to peddle hashish. Bar-hopping in the Bairro Alto was all good, as was the ultra-comfy king-sized bed at the hotel.
Thankyou for your comment on my set

You're in SG Scotland now, make lots of noise so the other boys and girls know you've arrived.
I like how you stepped around the issue of whether or not you actually scored any hash from the poorly dressed dealers.
I like how you stepped around the issue of whether or not you actually scored any hash from the poorly dressed dealers.
Woohoo! I finally broke my 'comment' duck. And it was from the lovely nahnah_. That's doubleplus good!
Well, I tried not to, but when I watched the new Star Wars trailer I got quite excited about the forthcoming movie. Of course, deep down I expect to be disappointed, just like I have been with the last couple. Perhaps Lucas will surprise me.
I am off...
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Well, I tried not to, but when I watched the new Star Wars trailer I got quite excited about the forthcoming movie. Of course, deep down I expect to be disappointed, just like I have been with the last couple. Perhaps Lucas will surprise me.
I am off...
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Jeez - who would have thought this 'journal' stuff would be so hard to keep up! Anyway, my comments-to-posts ratio is still zero, so I guess that counts as an achievement of sorts.
I visites London's Bordeline on Friday night. Standard indie disco fare, but the live band were entertaining in a posey sort of way. No bass player - just one of the gutarists...
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I visites London's Bordeline on Friday night. Standard indie disco fare, but the live band were entertaining in a posey sort of way. No bass player - just one of the gutarists...
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aw you are too cute

Blimey! You were up early.
Happy New Year to the SH collective. I hope 2005 is a good one for you all.
Yay! I have broadband again after 9 looooong months. Music downloads, porn and of course faster-loading SG pages.