Im on OiNK now, thank you very much those that offered me invites. I also made it past the initial ratio requirements! Im at 11GB down and 3GB up
Single again, starting a new semester. but Im turning 21 on friday! Crazy sugar art cake party, ill have post some pics.
Happy 21st Birthday!

all I need is an e-mail and you got an oink invite
What a crazy weekend, went to a halloween party in drag on saturday, for some reason, i couldnt keep the girls away, it like the makeup was release an airborn afrodesiac, i ended out with a beautiful girlfriend, who happens to be stripping her way through med school
well bye for now, i have to get up early for school.
well bye for now, i have to get up early for school.
hrm, i'm in sgboston (although granted i never get out to any of their events because i'm afraid of people), but i'm in it ... so you can't possibly be too creepy. hehe.
I've been sick for a few days now. zits been really rainy cold, I prolly walked home drunk, and stoned in the freezing rain getting lost too many time recently. I love just getting totally lost in Boston, I can the building, i kinda know where I am, buit there are so many interesting people to talk to and smoke with around the city.
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OMG, sid is on my sriend list, thank so you so much, you rock! I live in Mission Hill and I just got back from a crazy party, I am so wasted, I met alot of interesting people, If you ever want an invite send me a msg(Sid or anyone),
You had sex in band camp. That is so hot.
*spent four years in drumline at band camp*
*spent four years in drumline at band camp*
Thank you for the sweet comment on my new set.

Wooohooo, its friday and my classes are over, now to smoke a bowl and try to prepare for the weekend. Partying and hw here i come...
I feel alot better now. Sleeping away the anguish only helps for a while but for the moment im happy, atleast until tonight rolls around. My best friend was visiting for th past week and she decided to leave earlier because my exgirlfriend/roomate is having her gf visit and neither one of us wants to be around for it. I wish i had a place...
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no, u dont understand. i was BORN in portland, not raised there. moved to MO when i was 5. shouldve stayed in ME.....cuz im a maniac, maniac on tha i love new england accents.
also, why am i ur first friend on SG if u have been a member since 2003? hmmmm
ps. nice pieces (ur glass pics)

ps. nice pieces (ur glass pics)
Been doing alot of work for my classes lately, essay for english and a lab report for my logic circuits class, i never thought thought i could write so much about boolean algrebraic theorems...blech
The pain starts to slip away slowly, it is only then that my tears begin to dry on the side of my face and i forget for a moment the events that caused my depressive episode. My side still aches from the blade, but i feel it is the only thing keeping me whole.