It's too early for me to be up.
the fucking electricity went out last night!! that shit sucked but it forced me to leave the house. by the time i came back the lights were back on. don't ask me what happen. maybe the fairy came by and turned them back on for me. thank you electric fairy.
SO it was kind of cool how it worked out. I wasn't planning on going out. I was just going to stay home and smoke up. But then the electricity kept coming on and off again and it annoyed me so I had to get out.
I met up with Tigress and we went and got drunk and partied ourselves silly. All in all a very fun time. and now thoughts of her keep dancing in my monkey brain
the fucking electricity went out last night!! that shit sucked but it forced me to leave the house. by the time i came back the lights were back on. don't ask me what happen. maybe the fairy came by and turned them back on for me. thank you electric fairy.

SO it was kind of cool how it worked out. I wasn't planning on going out. I was just going to stay home and smoke up. But then the electricity kept coming on and off again and it annoyed me so I had to get out.
I met up with Tigress and we went and got drunk and partied ourselves silly. All in all a very fun time. and now thoughts of her keep dancing in my monkey brain

yes, Tigress is one hottie!