Fuck it. I'm going to my second favorite bar. Hopefully, my favorite bartender, AJ, will be there. He always makes such strong Rum and Cokes. And on the rare occasion that my acid reflux kicks up, he gives me free milk.
I'm gonna drown my sorrows for a little bit and pump the jukebox full of about ten bucks worth of Social Distortion.
Mrrr, you've got it all twisted. Look at it like a new lease on life! You can go anywhere and do anything without that pesky machine buzzing or lighting up or ringing or whatever cell phones do these days.
Go to an art museum. The Spencer or the Nelson-Atkins would be good places to start. But that's for tomorrow. Tonight cuddle up with some good ol' Law and Order re-runs and imagine you're a lawyer in New York. Pick up that book you've been meaning to read. Don't have one? Head down to Borders, they're open late. Get one of their holiday coffees, find a book and a magazine and go to the cafe and dive in. Plan your next tattoo. Write a letter to a friend on real paper with a real pen. Buy a puzzle. Paint your nails. Get a massage. Find a recipe for something that looks really delicious and has no more than ten ingredients. Teach yourself how to make it. Reorganize your cds. Read all the posts on GoFugYourself. They're wicked funny. Rake the leaves. Plan your next vacation.
Really, this could be the best weekend you ever had. No phone, plenty of time to figure out some new stuff that you didn't even know you liked.
Monk can't come to his blog right now. He stayed up til 7 am drinking and now he has a hangover the size of Nebraska. Please leave a message at the sound of the beep.
I'm so fucking tired of being alone. I'm tired of going to sleep in a big, cold, empty bed with no one next to me. I'm sick of waking up alone. I want someone to make love to and talk with for hours about everything and nothing. I need someone to cuddle with me.
Yes darlin, us women are very complicated, I don't envy you guys for having to put up with us! The main thing you can do to ease the pain is keep yourself busy, I know it sounds cheesey, but get a hobby or past time that you would enjoy and would get a lot out of. go out more with friends and try to stay positive Or you'll drive yourself crazy! I hate being alone too and before I met Shaun I lived on my own for nearly 2years, got very depressed, but you have to make yourself get up and do something fun, once you're happier in yourself, the women will flock around you! and it is so true that when you stop looking, that right person comes along. That's what happened to me. You know where I am if you need to chat. I've been through a lot of shit myself and am good at listening and giving advice (so ive been told!) xXx
I realize now that I'm never going to post a part 2 of Halloween Night. I suck at completing most things. Sorry, not that anyone reads this thing anyway...
1) Tonight I came to the realization that I truly have no close friends. The people who once knew me well no longer know me. The friends I have regular contact with now don't really know me at all. And there are those who have known me for years, some more than a decade... Read More
This is sincere. I need to thank you for being so impossibly, uniquely you.
Thank you for your blind, stupid ambition, enough to seize a job for which you hadn't even an inkling of qualification, doing so on the all-but-defeated steam of your lamentable namesake. Thank you for seizing your party's nomination from a host of better-qualified Republican candidates.
Show was good. Made it to the bar around 1am. When with a couple of friend's to the communal home of the majority of the band. Drank a little more. Now I'm drunk and tired. Headache. Need ice water. Tomorrow will be fun; friend's birthday/barbecue, Hungover.
Tonight I go to see Times New Roman, a local band. They're Screamo/Post Hardcore(whatever the hell that is). They put on decent enough show to pay the $5 cover charge. I'd rather hear some loud, abusive punk rock, but I'll take what I can get. They may not be exactly my cup of tea, but coffee's close enough when I need my fix, know what... Read More