Yep, I'm quitting smoking. Dear god this sucks. Scott's been a phenomenal support during this whole thing. I wouldn't be able to do this without him. But it's still hard as hell. I've slowly been able to handle the alchohol w/o the smoke, and the lack of a morning cigarette isn't killing me yet, but dear god do i want one after food. *sigh* I...
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I too, am giving up the smoking thing, ... it sucks!
I'm excited. Scott and I should be going to First Friday tonight. It'll be good to get out and check out the arts district in town. I want to find some more info about S.E.A.T. theatre in town too. The new bags showed up for Scott's bike, so hopefully we'll put those on on Saturday and head up to Pioche on Sunday for a nice...
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Oh yeah - I read this and laughed:

A sadist, a masochist, a murderer, a necrophile, a zoophile and a pyromaniac are all sitting on a bench in a mental institution, bored out of their minds.

"How about having sex with a cat?" asked the zoophile.

"Let's have sex with the cat and then torture it," says the sadist.

"Let's have sex with the cat,...
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So I've long posited that I can't cook. Scott likes to call me out on this but I may have to start owning up to it personally. For dinner today I went to the grocery and came home and made some beef stroganoff. Then I topped it off by making some banana bread with the left over bananas, and then I made a batch of...
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Yep, I'm here. The house is coming along nicely. I still need to figure out paint. I'm also trying to decide if I'll build a kitchen/dining table or if we'll buy one for now.

I started looking for work. I had an interview that ended up with me going to the wrong place, twice. The first stop was at a junkyard, followed almost immediately by...
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We went out looking for a dinette/cocktail table today. Found one we like, wit a "butterfly" leaf built in, .. really cool. It also comes with 6 stool/chairs, I think we might get it.

Paint schemes can be tricky, ... depends on the house/furniture/lighting/daylight, ... have fun!

What kind of work are you looking for, .... obviously not institutionalizing people, I see. LOL!
Yep - I actually made it to vegas.

The past week has been one of the most fucked up, intense, and just all around interesting times than I can remember having had for a long long time.

Now I'll see what happens next.
Gahh - yeah, I've been damn busy for the past month.

9 more work days!!!!

Oh so tired...
I'm moving to vegas! I didn't think I'd be that excited to say that.

Anywho, as of right now, just less than 8 weeks left at my job, and just over 8 weeks until I move.

*happy dance*
Cool. Trussrigger mentioned in SGVegas you were moving here. Looking forward to meeting you.

The trick with Vegas is getting below the sheen, finding the real shit to do and finding the real people. And don't worry, not EVERYONE is from Cali, heh. A remote few actually know how to drive and signal before changing lanes.
lucky...oh to move to vegas.
wow, wave of loneliness just hit.

maybe this was why i haven't had more than a drink at a time for a number of weeks. good call, yo.
thanks! kiss
I got to tie up two women at work today! Yeah, it was fun. It was a simple cocoon tie with a slipknot for the wrists. The whole goal in creating the bindings was for comedy and to allow the actor to be able to get out of it quickly. There were many comments about lesbian bondage and I was tired enough that my filter...
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