I'm enjoying the weekend so far, sleeping in will do that. Now that I've caught up from the week I'm on to working through the weekend. Until then I'm taking the time to poke around SG and check out the site some more.
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Wednesday May 03, 2006
You know, I think I'm actually starting to honestly be optimistic. … -
Thursday Feb 23, 2006
This is a story about a coca-cola cooler. There was once a show, … -
Sunday Feb 19, 2006
Right, I'm pretty shaken up. I've been dealing with some rough stuff … -
Thursday Feb 16, 2006
Oh joy, I just managed to oversleep for a production mtg at 11 pm. I … -
Saturday Jan 28, 2006
concussions are bad. Idiots at work aren't good either. having to dea… -
Tuesday Jan 24, 2006
Yep, still tired. I only worked a normal day today, instead of essent… -
Saturday Jan 21, 2006
I'm enjoying the weekend so far, sleeping in will do that. Now that I… -
Sunday Jan 15, 2006
Yep, I'm quitting smoking. Again. Doing this by myself sucks, but I'm… -
Wednesday Jan 04, 2006
Right - when I'm not quite so sleep deprived I'll actually put up a d…
i hope you have fun.
welcome to the site!
Thanks for the warm welcome!