I'm enjoying the weekend so far, sleeping in will do that. Now that I've caught up from the week I'm on to working through the weekend. Until then I'm taking the time to poke around SG and check out the site some more.
More Blogs
Monday Nov 27, 2006
Yep, I'm quitting smoking. Dear god this sucks. Scott's been a phenom… -
Friday Nov 03, 2006
I'm excited. Scott and I should be going to First Friday tonight. It'… -
Sunday Oct 29, 2006
Oh yeah - I read this and laughed: A sadist, a masochist, a murder… -
Sunday Oct 29, 2006
So I've long posited that I can't cook. Scott likes to call me out on… -
Friday Oct 13, 2006
Yep, I'm here. The house is coming along nicely. I still need to figu… -
Thursday Sep 28, 2006
Yep - I actually made it to vegas. The past week has been one of… -
Saturday Sep 02, 2006
Gahh - yeah, I've been damn busy for the past month. 9 more work … -
Thursday Jul 20, 2006
I'm moving to vegas! I didn't think I'd be that excited to say that. … -
Saturday May 20, 2006
wow, wave of loneliness just hit. maybe this was why i haven't ha… -
Friday May 19, 2006
I got to tie up two women at work today! Yeah, it was fun. It was a s…
i hope you have fun.
welcome to the site!
Thanks for the warm welcome!