Yep, I'm quitting smoking. Again. Doing this by myself sucks, but I'm not doing too badly. I've been working on projects to keep myself busy and distracted; so I've finally put curtains up in my studio. They're sheers, with a vintage overlay. Since I can't paint my walls I've put together a cool wall hanging out of some fabric I bought. It's not perfect with the curtains, but there's enough distance between the two. It's also amazing how much happier I am not staring at an off-white wall. I'm only slightly shocked that I've found two fabrics that don't clash with the green covers on my drafting tables.
Since I have tomorrow off, technically, I'll be rearranging my living room, and cleaning up before sitting down at the drafting table and trying to get some more work done on my show. Stupid budgets.
Since I have tomorrow off, technically, I'll be rearranging my living room, and cleaning up before sitting down at the drafting table and trying to get some more work done on my show. Stupid budgets.