I'm so sick of college and I haven't even moved in yet. I've had to deal with 2 colleges: my own and a college that I attend last summer as a jump start program for high school students. So basically, i'm trying to get the Geology and History credits I earned last summer sent to my school that I'm starting in 26 days. The buck keeps getting passed by both schools. ~~~"well, ma'am, we've sent your transcript on the 16th of July" ~~~ "Well Monica, we have not received a transcript from that school. I'm sorry. You should try calling them and seeing if your request was processed."~~~ "You have reached the voicemail of........."~~~ I'm so sick of talking to voicemail and receptionists. They are both just as unhelpful. The lady from the transcript dept. at my school is playing phone tag with me. we have communicated through messages and time is ticking away. I have to register for my classes on FRIDAY!!! I can't keep dicking around with these people.
Somebody give me something to laugh about. I'm going to the Hopefuls group to look for silly kitty pictures...
Somebody give me something to laugh about. I'm going to the Hopefuls group to look for silly kitty pictures...
AWesome.... YOur photos have been received by my prepping elves and should be uploaded to the site soon. wooo wee. And i still think I owe you an elly visit!!!
no worries mate