Red Electric Skywalker
I activate in order to explore.
Bonding wakefullness
I seal the output of space
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of navigation
Thats my galactic signature. It is SO me.
It's weird. I used to be deppressed and lonely, but my son ''activated" me by just being a child and encourged me to explore his new world with him.
Service! My main love in life! Not like the military service. I am talking about my resoursefulness and "navigation". I want to help people...I LOVE to help people.
I was once told that I have a strong energy.(On New Years). I was shown my energy feild, and I saw it, and my freind pointed out how far it went(which was exactly how far I saw it go out). I watched my freind show some other people their energy feilds. The girls who were there wondered why my energy field went out farther(like almost double).
My homework is calling.
I am taking an interpersonal communications class.
Feel free to drop me a line, I am in need of practicing my new skills.
I activate in order to explore.
Bonding wakefullness
I seal the output of space
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of navigation
Thats my galactic signature. It is SO me.
It's weird. I used to be deppressed and lonely, but my son ''activated" me by just being a child and encourged me to explore his new world with him.
Service! My main love in life! Not like the military service. I am talking about my resoursefulness and "navigation". I want to help people...I LOVE to help people.
I was once told that I have a strong energy.(On New Years). I was shown my energy feild, and I saw it, and my freind pointed out how far it went(which was exactly how far I saw it go out). I watched my freind show some other people their energy feilds. The girls who were there wondered why my energy field went out farther(like almost double).
My homework is calling.
I am taking an interpersonal communications class.
Feel free to drop me a line, I am in need of practicing my new skills.
Feel free to use me as a test subject. I have more crap to sort through in my head than a...than a...shit. I forgot.
Check my jounal and use the "blog feature" to see all entries. Some are qoutes and song lyrics. Most are fucked up poems and disturbing short stories.