What a great day! We had an inspection today, but all they did was check the fire alarms. My son and I took a nap together on my bed, it was so sweet. I love cuddling with him. We fell asleep to classical music and I woke up to NPR radio. They were talking about immigration. I am not racist or unfair at all, but I think to be fair to americans, they should go back. They are taking all of our jobs. Many of us born and raised americans don't have jobs because they have taken them all.
My freinds came up stairs and we decided to go to the mall. Mall 205. We went into the learning palace and played with some toys for a lil bit. Then we hung out at their house for a while. Then we went to the park. My son and I had a blast
We met some other kids his age, he got to play and run around. It was great fun. I got a lot of pictures.
got to go, i'll write later.
My freinds came up stairs and we decided to go to the mall. Mall 205. We went into the learning palace and played with some toys for a lil bit. Then we hung out at their house for a while. Then we went to the park. My son and I had a blast
got to go, i'll write later.