It's a holiday weekend and I'm not in a good mood. Just in time to ruin my weekend the new issue of the magazine I shoot for showed up via UPS to my door step . I sat down with it all ready to see how my photos of a show I drove all the way to Iowa to cover and possibly another show or feature looked only to find out I had nothing in the mag. This does happen from time to time . This time was a little different and It my cause me to end my relationship with the magazine. It's not just because I spent a lot of money going to the show or because I had a lot of really nice pics from the show, or because I spent a week writing the story, but because I was told if I did drive all the way to Iowa to cover this show that it would be used and it wasn't. The show was a charity show to raise money for a little girl that needs multiple operations over the next few years on her heart to keep her alive. The show being in the mag was very important to me for that reason . I have been emailing back and forth with her father since the show. He is also the man that put on the show and is putting it on again this year. Now I have to tell him that my editor decided not to run it so he could use like 5 other show stories from the same guy instead. I am really pissed off . I vented now maybe the rest of my weekend won't suck as much.
Hey doll, hope things have gotten better for you since my last comment, and thanks for the love on Walk Without Rhythm
Let me know how you're doing.
I not doing too bad. It's football season so I'm good. How's it going with you ?