I'm back!
Haven't posted in a while. Had some highs and lows since my last post. Got some cool new ink! Thats always good. Broke up with my girl
It wasn't working and I knew it . The shitty thing was she thought everything was fine so I'm the asshole that broke her heart. Had it done to me lots so I know how it feels ....
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I might be getting some new ink today. One of my tattoo buddies is gonna ink me for a b-day present . I found an awesome sugar skull design for above my right elbow. I have been looking for a cool design for a few years and finally found one that I want. Stoked is an understatement !!!

I am thinking about writing my own scifi / fantasy book. I have never tried anything like this but I have a great story in my head and I think I'm going to give it a try. If I can get the plot all worked out and all the main story points figured out I should be able to do it. I'm really geeked about...
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I just found the " Outlaw Country " station on Pandora .


It's FUCKING cold outside !!! How long before spring ?
Update on my rant from September. The show I shot in Iowa will be in the next issue of Rod & Kulture . My editor just ran out of room in the last issue so he had to bump it to the next one. It's a good thing I waited to talk to him about it because I was really pissed and I might have...
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Just got done eating some killer homemade chili that I made. My lips are burning ! It was really good . Not much else going on , just hanging out with my roommates and watching some football.
Hell yeah lovin home made chili. Sounds like a good Saturday night to me.
Is it Friday yet ?
I haven't posted in a while so here ya go. I haven't got much of anything done as of late because my roommate introduced me to the tv series "Supernatural" . He has the first 4 seasons on DVD . I come home from work and pop a disc in and watch for hours. The show is awesome. Plus it's football season so I have...
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It's a holiday weekend and I'm not in a good mood. Just in time to ruin my weekend the new issue of the magazine I shoot for showed up via UPS to my door step . I sat down with it all ready to see how my photos of a show I drove all the way to Iowa to cover and possibly another show or...
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Hey doll, hope things have gotten better for you since my last comment, and thanks for the love on Walk Without Rhythm
Let me know how you're doing.

I not doing too bad. It's football season so I'm good. How's it going with you ?
Love this! Looks awesome!
Thanks ! I already want to go back again . I have a few other tattoos I want to get on my left arm .