I'm finished finals, now I have a small bit of vacation time, to enjoy the summer with my son.
I can't spend much money, but that shouldn't make much of a difference.
I can take him to the park more now.
The exercise will be good for me.

I have one math course that I'll be taking over the summer.
I have a self paced...
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having children -period- is good exercise! enjoy your summer!! kiss
thank you.
My little squish child is my favorite personal trainer.
I'm finally able to keep down solid foods again.
Grr, I hate being sick, especially when I have dealines to meet.

Now that I can think again I have a lot of school work to get caught up on.
I've gotten sick with some stomach bug and I had to miss my classes today.
I feel really lousy and stressed out about having missed my classes.

Now that I've rested most of the day I'm feeling bored but I'm not well enough to do much of anything.


On the bright side I've not had any coffee today. I had meant to cut back...
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I have my passport.
I have my plane tickets.
I get to travel for my birthday!!!!

I am so excited.
Back to school!
Happy happy!
Joy Joy!
smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
Today is my date with my husband.
It's coffee at the place we went for our first date.

I would normally have to go to school at this time but I have been sent on a break.
This is one of the first times I have felt alright about having to take a break from school.

Coffee is nice.

Hopefully I'll finish reading Ysabel today....
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have fun on your date kiss
Thank yousmile
I did.
We went for coffee and didn't have to keep a baby entertained.
It was refreshing and nice. smile
I'm getting busier and it's helping with my mood.
I'm trying to enjoy the time that I have off of school.
I'm reading Ysabel and it's pretty fantastic.
I went on a tour of a preschool today and it was fantastic but they wanted a nonrefundable $50 payment just to my son on the waiting list. Ick.

Busy busy busy.

I have a date with...
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Next month is my one year anniversary with my husband.
One year.
We're going to celebrate how much better things have become over the course of that year.
We're happier.
We fight a lot less.
We're putting more energy towards our goals.
Our home is a better place.

A year ago, May 12th, we got married.
Our friends got drunk and one of them flashd...
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i can imagine the inlaws face!! hehehehe tongue
Yeah, it was pretty fun. smile
I'm doing well. Mellow even.
I'm setting goals and getting stuff done.
I even made myself up a nice sticker chart.
I have lots of stickers.
Babe seems pretty happy.
My husband seems pretty happy.
I am learning how to cook stuff and getting good inexpensive meal ideas.
School is good, though I have a couple of weeks off after tomorrowfrown
I posted in a group, and many people got offended. I said that my son was not my life.
I love him and care for him but he is not my life.
I am trying to make my life a good life for him and make his life quality.
My life does not revolve around my son.
I have dreams of my own, courses that...
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