Who wants to be a homie and pitch in a few bucks to get me some ink to start off my tattoo apprenticeship properly?
I'm working up towards this motherfucker right here:

In order to better assist in the purchase of said ink - I am selling some of my pieces of art:
Each piece is archival ink on canvas, and I will mount/grommet the pieces however you chose, 1/4 inch gator, 1/2 inch gator, loose canvas w/grommets, loose canvas - whatever pretty much.
Here are the pieces i have available to you:
And for those who dont like to click links - here is a sampling:

Please contact me via aim or email to discuss pricing/etc. if you are interested - but I am looking to be VERY reasonable (small prints starting around 50 dollars [which is ridiculous!] with large pieces going up to 200+ [also a steal]) The best part? All of my pieces are available in BOTH formats... large or small!
Also - all pieces are available with and without the Mongoofy branding... just specify!
Thanks for your support all - <3
Huge love to Polly for being the first to contribute to the ink fund... LOVE YA!!!
thanks for partaking in the mini bitch fest. we have to have a dance party soon. i miss dj mon. mmmmuah
UR collabin' with MIRRRR!!!
Holy hell, that's gonna be amazing! I just commented on her blog about it, dude! Fuckin' awsome!
I'm saving some money to buy that shit!!!!
U should use mah face in it! HAHA! Joking...
Catch u lata, mofo!!!