Let's set the context of this. I've been by myself for the better part of 3 years now. Seriously in all honesty, I haven't had a woman sleep in the same bed with me let alone sex for this entire time. Some would say, well that's just fuckin lame. I put it to you though, in this time frame, I've gotten 2 technical degrees and landed a supremely awesome high paying job. Did I do all this at the cost of my sanity though?
Loneliness is a MOTHERFUCKER. It can do things to you that a lot of other things can't. It can also morph into other things like desperation, anxiety, pain, and more.
How have I lasted this long? Who knows! It's not for lack of wanting. I miss having someone to share my love with. I've definitely hit some rough spots along the way that's for damn sure.
I know some would say "well how come you didn't find a girl while you were going to school and stuff?" Well as I'm sure some can attest, when you go to work at 7am and don't come home from school until 11pm mon-fri, you don't have a whole lot of time to share with someone else and it's not really fair to them.
I don't know what will come of things. This new job is in the middle of nowhere, but I will definitely have more time. I'll have to get back in shape and turn the effort dial all the way to 11!π€ I guess. If not, I can always go back to having imaginary friends maybe? ππ
"A great fire burns within me, but no one stops to warm themselves at it, and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke." - Vincent Van Gogh