So there I was, sitting in my comfortable chair. I was perusing the selection of stuff to watch and there I found it.
Now let me begin with a disclaimer. I haven't had cable or tv for probably about 8 years now. I just never have time to plan to watch shows and what not, so everything I watch is on Netflix, Hulu, or Vudu.
I never knew this show called Black Sails existed. My inner pirate twitched with joy and I immediately bought the first season after watching the previews and prepared myself for this piratey adventure by getting a glass of Barbancourt rum and took some shots of the new Cannonblast (which is deliciously awesome btw) and off on this adventure I went.
This show is fucking amazing. It's like Game of Thrones but with pirates!!!! Fucking epic!! I highly recommend it! I like it better than GoT but that's just probably because deep down I know I'm a pirate.
So if you've seen both which do you prefer? Also, have any of the girls done a pirate themed set? Ide totally go full chub on that! (Not like I don't already with most of these sets😂)