- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sit and think. What do you give up on about yourself on a daily basis to make it in this world today? I've witnessed many people, even myself, let go of something that was me because the world and people are so judgemental nowadays. What happened to the good ole days when you could be an asshole and people just accepted you for being an asshole? Now that's probably a bad example as being an asshole all the time usually doesn't get you anywhere or many friends, but in today's world, it almost seems like you have to change things about yourself all too often.
I did this, I tried to fit in, be one of the cool kids on the block. As I grew older though I realized, it's too much work and it's too stressful to try to keep up with all of that. How do you combat people that expect you too change for them? A bigger question though, why would you want to be with or around people that want you to change? Why can't you just be you? Why can't I just be me? I understand a small amount of give and take, but we're talking big picture here. I see people getting into relationships or hanging with certain groups and becoming a completely different people. I learned a long time ago to just say fuck em.
Why change? Why change the things you like for things you dislike just to hang out with a person? Today's society has made it so prominent to be a part of the in crowd, they spoon feed the young this from tv and a lot of these celebrities. Be a part of the cool kids or you're a looooooooser. Fuck that. You should be you. Like what you like and if they don't, too bad.