I am subjecting myself to embarrassment, here is silly me rambling to my webcam in my undies tongue

I promise I am not trying to fuck with your head, I am just me and kind of a div tongue.
I seriously could just laugh at how different I have become in such a short period of time. It's insane but amazing and liberating. I have wanted to do an SG set for years, but never thought I would get the guts to. Now I think I can, I want to work on my body some so I feel a bit more comfortable, and heck...
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I'm making some assumptions here, so I'm probably wrong, but from what I gather of what you're saying, I bet that probably the best outlet SG has for what I expect you're hoping for would be the chat room. That's one place where it's easy for someone to feel beautiful and respected and be gently (and sometimes not-so gently, but you can always block those people) coaxed into becoming as brave as you want. It's really effective and you can make enormous gains in a very short period of time. Plus, SGs chat room has it's own community that is nothing like any other community I've seen anywhere on the internet. It's definitely something you should check out. Cause, even if you aren't looking to become a more outgoing person, that definitely won't be a negative thing. You still can just spark up conversations and have fun. The way I look at it, the chat room has a few tools there. Text, audio, and video. How (or if) each person utilizes those tools to interact with others is entirely up to them. biggrin
stayed home sick today, but although I am sick I am still so happy and loving life. I have made amazing new friends (R - you rock biggrin), and am truly happy and positive for the first time in over 20 years. I am feeling my anger towards the world rushing away too, mean and angry people I look at now with sympathy and empathy...
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okay I am beginning to get my head around all of this recent attention tongue, I am just not used to it so I didn't know how to react tongue. But I'm cool with it, this is my place to be silly and naughty and my husband is supportive of it so I'm alright biggrin. I guess it is part of my progress in learning...
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Well accept this compliment, I enjoy reading your blogs, you're a cutie, and your husband sounds like an awesome guy, so you obviously exercised good judgement in that department.
thank you! I enjoy reading your comments! I love having people I can have intelligent conversation with! That is few and far between unfortunately tongue
Gonna have the husband take practice shots of me soon to get me used to the idea before I do a set. Excited and nervous. I think I can do this though biggrin.I'm ready to learn to be okay with my body.
I am looking forward to it!
thanks biggrin
oh conservatives, you silly things. I wish you realized where the "information" you use to back your arguments came from. usually your ignorance makes me sad but today I just feel sorry for you and hope for a better future for us all and generations to follow. You preach of your Christian roots and how that makes you stronger... then you forget your own religious...
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hey, thanks for the comment! Sorry I meant to be a bit more specific (I was trying to stay awake after an hour of sleep waiting for the plumber tongue) - I meant super right wing Christian Conservatives. And I agree 100%, not all conservatives or liberals are the same or can be lumped together smile. It's funny all of the examples you used are the same ones I used in my Ethics term paper this year on why the popular Christian response to homosexuality and gay marriage is in itself immoral and goes completely against the religion's own teachings. Thanks for sharing smile, I love political and philosophical discussion!
Well as I mentioned, I AM the son of an Assembly of God (aka Pentecostal, Book of Revelations, DOOMSDAY CULT) Minister, so I can quote scripture backwards and forwards, which is probably the primary reason I'm not the least bit religious!! One thing I think Joseph Stalin got right, "Organized religion is the opiate of the ignorant masses!!" Given that I was drilled on the Bible from my earliest recollections, I also began to question at an early age, which put me on a ideological collision path with my parents practically before puberty!! To me, there were just too many conflicts and contradictions in the Bible for it to be the "inspired" word of God!! Now to be sure, I am a hard-core, right-wing Conservative Republican, but that doesn't automatically make me homophobic, or itching to overturn Row v Wade!! Unfortunately, that is a bit of a stereotype hoisted upon Conservatives by the Dominate, Liberal, Media Culture!! Who you have sex with and a woman's right to make decisions about her own body are issues I believe would certainly be protected by the freedoms guaranteed within the Constitution!! That being said, feel free to write anytime about politics and philosophy, like you these are two of my favorite topics!!

Take Care,
To my amazing friend from France - thank you smile
Today was the first time since being in the single digits of age that I have been purely happy with no specific reasons or mania. This might not seem like much of an event but for me this was huge. I have obviously been happy in my life, but always by specific things, or being distracted temporarily from life in general. It was the most...
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That's a great blog to read!! smile Keep on the good work!
thanks biggrin
it's great to write and feel let me tell you!
I'll tell you in every way I can
without ever saying the words
for in my mind a flower grows
that can never see the sun