I finally put the term paper for my Ethics class online, and it is something I want to share because I feel so strongly about it. It is entitled "The Ethical Issues of Gay Marriage".
I just posted a link to it on my Facebook, I am curious how many of my "Friends" I will lose or piss off. I think I will at least get a bit warmer of a reception on this site as many of you are a bit more open minded and supportive of the LGBT community
(Head's up: it is about 12 pages in Microsoft Word... so yeah it's long. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it !
I just posted a link to it on my Facebook, I am curious how many of my "Friends" I will lose or piss off. I think I will at least get a bit warmer of a reception on this site as many of you are a bit more open minded and supportive of the LGBT community

(Head's up: it is about 12 pages in Microsoft Word... so yeah it's long. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it !

Your paper is well written and persuasive, BUT if I may offer just a few observations. To my knowledge, the only "Christians" waving signs that state "God Hates Faggs" are members of the Westboro Baptist group, who are universally reviled by the vast majority of true Christians in this country, so it might be a bit unfair to paint all Christianity with that broad brush. With regard to the Bible's instructions of which foods to eat, this had a great deal more to do with health and safety factors than religious issues. I also notice your paper did not touch on the Islamic religious teachings with regard to Homosexuality. Given that Islam is the largest religion in the world, it might have been interesting and informative to touch on that perspective also. The same goes for Catholicism, which is not technically part of the "Christian" faith. Given Pope Benedict XVI recent strong condemnation of homosexuality and Gay marriage, your focus on "Christianity" as the main religious voice in opposition to Gay marriage, is at a minimum less than completely accurate. The fact is, the world's two largest religions, Islam and Catholicism are much more vocal and harsh in their rhetoric and actions against homosexuality than the various denominations of the Christian faith. Last, but certainly not least, your paper did not really touch on the potential psychological implications for the children raised by same sex couples from the perspective of how these children might be treated by their peers. Just as children produced by interracial marriages often suffer from a lack of acceptance by either side of the racial mix represented by their parents, children raised in same sex unions would most certainly have a higher circumstance of being shunned and castigated by their peers during their formative years. Consequently, the issue of same sex marriage has implications beyond the wants and desires of the adult participants, IF they choose to adopt children, or birth children through artificial insemination. JMO.