I seriously could just laugh at how different I have become in such a short period of time. It's insane but amazing and liberating. I have wanted to do an SG set for years, but never thought I would get the guts to. Now I think I can, I want to work on my body some so I feel a bit more comfortable, and heck I could use exercise anyways. But I feel like I can do this and be okay, maybe even better mentally because of it. My husband supports me 110%, and I have a few friends that I have actually talked about it with that have given me encouragement. Even if I don't go pink (which I am not expecting but if it happens then yay!), I think this will help my messed up body image and make me feel better about myself. I don't buy into conventional definitions of beauty, why should I apply those to myself? This site is about embracing beauty and its diversity, and I want to learn to feel beautiful for once in my life. I'm excited, and have some cool ideas for creative, artistic, interesting sets. We'll see what the future brings
, but I feel like this is absolutely going to happen eventually

I'm making some assumptions here, so I'm probably wrong, but from what I gather of what you're saying, I bet that probably the best outlet SG has for what I expect you're hoping for would be the chat room. That's one place where it's easy for someone to feel beautiful and respected and be gently (and sometimes not-so gently, but you can always block those people) coaxed into becoming as brave as you want. It's really effective and you can make enormous gains in a very short period of time. Plus, SGs chat room has it's own community that is nothing like any other community I've seen anywhere on the internet. It's definitely something you should check out. Cause, even if you aren't looking to become a more outgoing person, that definitely won't be a negative thing. You still can just spark up conversations and have fun. The way I look at it, the chat room has a few tools there. Text, audio, and video. How (or if) each person utilizes those tools to interact with others is entirely up to them.