stayed home sick today, but although I am sick I am still so happy and loving life. I have made amazing new friends (R - you rock
), and am truly happy and positive for the first time in over 20 years. I am feeling my anger towards the world rushing away too, mean and angry people I look at now with sympathy and empathy (wondering what is bad in their life that brought them to this point) and I have this incredible desire to be that kind person and treat them with respect. I used to be great at that, but retail, customer service, and the insurance industry made me bitter and easy to get defensive towards people. There are truly terrible people in the world, but most mean people have a reason for it - they got fucked up in childhood, inner fears and insecurities, hard life events, etc and that is how they have chosen to deal with that crap and survive. And I have been successful many times with "killing them with kindness", and eventually broke through their tough exteriors to find people I came to love and respect, even look forward to seeing!
I am so pleased I am finally making a "break through", it has been a long time coming. I deserve to be happy and I can be
. Thank you all of you wonderful people, I love you all!

I am so pleased I am finally making a "break through", it has been a long time coming. I deserve to be happy and I can be
