My folks are splitting up! Suprised? nope. I think i could see it coming before they could.
Things are going so well with charlotte. I feel really lucky to be with her, she is wonderful. It's quite strange getting used to different persons vibes when you have been with one person for a long time. I guess i need to relax and go with my instincts.
I saw 2 cool bands at the club: visceral bleeding (danish death metal at it's best) and goldblade (psychobilly punk rockers). Check them out if you get a chance.
Things are going so well with charlotte. I feel really lucky to be with her, she is wonderful. It's quite strange getting used to different persons vibes when you have been with one person for a long time. I guess i need to relax and go with my instincts.
I saw 2 cool bands at the club: visceral bleeding (danish death metal at it's best) and goldblade (psychobilly punk rockers). Check them out if you get a chance.
Followed your advise so I'm downloading some files. Difficult to find Goldblade.
Cheers fella, still getting used to all the stuff on here, had a rant in the gamers forum tho. s'good stuff. Glad you showed me it