Working at Rios is loads of fun. The other staff are great and most of the customers are cool too. I clean up in the morning with 2 others which is ace because we spend about 2 and a half hours cleaning and about 4 drinking coffee and laughing.
I think working behind a bar is giving me more confidence too.
I feel really great!
One of the girls i work with, emma, might be moving into the same house as me. That'll make me, my brother phil and emma all working at rios, all living in the same house.
Anyhoo, hope all my sg buds are OK.
I think working behind a bar is giving me more confidence too.
I feel really great!

One of the girls i work with, emma, might be moving into the same house as me. That'll make me, my brother phil and emma all working at rios, all living in the same house.
Anyhoo, hope all my sg buds are OK.
Hi! Glad to see u are enjoying urself...must be fun to work at a bar. Jolly good times!

hello! look