I got a new ball for my labret and new flesh tunnel today. They both look awesome. The ball on my lip ring is enormous. I had it inside my mouth up until today. I can't wait to get a smaller one - i will wait until it's totally healed.
Man, i can't wait until i have something interesting to say.
Man, i can't wait until i have something interesting to say.
falklands, never how i really pictured the falklands, i always thought it would be rainy and grey? all the war stuff, stuck in my head i guess. it does indeed look surreal.
nah just rockin', use it as much as possible.
cools good, but i say that all the time.
I do think I need to start concentrating on my own happiness more, but it makes me super happy when I can help someone else. I guess I just get in too deep, though.
What exactly is a flesh tunnel? Makes me kinda woozy trying to guess...