About the kitty-------

Thanks for all of th well wishes to my kitty. She's doing perfectly well now.
I took Hannah to the vet over a week ago because she suddenly stopped enjoying life and could barely meow. Turns out that she had a fever of 105 degrees!
Poor baby. She was dehydrated, so they gave her fluids and gave me an antibiotic for her. She's runnning around and tearing through the house as usual now. I think we also got rid of her fleas. The vet told me she had them because of the dots they saw on the paper. I had no idea.
I freaked out and went that night to buy carpet flea powder, spray, and flea shampoo. I go ballistic if anything involving bugs interrupts my life.
My coworkers told me all these horror stories about their cats having fleas and getting infested. So I took action. All though they told me if it were bad, I would have been bitten by now. I haven't been, but it doesn't hurt to take precautions.

I'm excited my boy is coming home in a week. Yayyy! Now I can have sex! Lots of it.

That drive to Jacksonville really kills sometimes. And no matter what job hires you and tells you there's a "no drama" policy, it's always going to be bullshit. What do you think goes on in a porn store full of female employees. I'm glad I'm anti-drama and I just stand there and observe. I do miss working with guys
I get paid today!
That is all, carry on.

Thanks for all of th well wishes to my kitty. She's doing perfectly well now.
I took Hannah to the vet over a week ago because she suddenly stopped enjoying life and could barely meow. Turns out that she had a fever of 105 degrees!
Poor baby. She was dehydrated, so they gave her fluids and gave me an antibiotic for her. She's runnning around and tearing through the house as usual now. I think we also got rid of her fleas. The vet told me she had them because of the dots they saw on the paper. I had no idea.
I freaked out and went that night to buy carpet flea powder, spray, and flea shampoo. I go ballistic if anything involving bugs interrupts my life.
My coworkers told me all these horror stories about their cats having fleas and getting infested. So I took action. All though they told me if it were bad, I would have been bitten by now. I haven't been, but it doesn't hurt to take precautions.

I'm excited my boy is coming home in a week. Yayyy! Now I can have sex! Lots of it.

That drive to Jacksonville really kills sometimes. And no matter what job hires you and tells you there's a "no drama" policy, it's always going to be bullshit. What do you think goes on in a porn store full of female employees. I'm glad I'm anti-drama and I just stand there and observe. I do miss working with guys
I get paid today!
That is all, carry on.

hey, I was going back through my suicidegirls journal/blog/whatever, and realized that you said hi to me and I never said anything back, so a very belated "hi" to you.
ill be in your hometown in a few days. any hotspots i should go to on a tuesday or wednesday nite?