And a week and a half later after he asked for my forgiveness, proclaimed his profound love for me, and tells me he made a big mistake by breaking up with me, he stops calling, and appears very uninterested in my conversation. I'm not stupid, I knew something was up. But, since he's been super sweet, and trustworthy for over a year, I felt it unneccessary to ask if there was something else going on that I didn't know about.
So, he makes plans to come up here, meet me in Chicago, and take me shopping for Christmas because he didn't know what to get for me as gifts. That's bullshit, he knows everything that I love. Anyways, he gets us a hotel, and 2 days later I get a voicemail. I got out of work late that night around 11. I reached my car, anxious to get home to pack, and bake his favorite sweets for a surprise. Instead I sat paralyzed in my car for about 20 minutes.
Voicemail: "Hey, my battery might die on my phone so I won't be able to talk later. Sorry i have to leave you a message like this, but I won't be able to make it tomorrow. I know we just got back together, but the truth is, I broke up with you because I met someone else. I felt bad, so I tried to make my feeligs go away for this person, but I can't. I knew I couldn't come to Chicago in good conscience knowing that I would have to be upfront and honest with you about my situation. So, I'm coming clean to you. I'm sorry things had to be like this, but I had to come clean. Once again, I'm sorry I had to leave you a message like this. Goodbye."
Mmmm. Where do I begin? The first time he broke up with me , he EMAILED me! ON THANKSGIVING!! I still haven't talked to him. The next day, he called and left a message to tell me that the girl is a really good friend of 10 years, and they've been trying to get together for years but they're always with someone else. She just got a divorce. So he decided to high tail it out of the relationship to be with her. Well, she does live in his teeny weeny hometown. So there ya go.
I'm so glad I'm not a revengeful person. I mean, talk about getting shit on. But, I'm cool.
So ladies and gentleman, the poor boy's reasoning wasn't because he's going to Iraq and he's scared, it was because of another girl that he's been dying to be with for the last 10 years of his life. Our year and half relatonship meant nothing to him compared to that.
"He's a great guy, faithful, loving, caring, honest, strong, considerate." If you take all those words and fill them in with the opposites, that would be what he REALLY is.
Jason, it's been real. Thanks for "brightening" my Thanksgiving and my Christmas.
By the way, anyone want chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting? I have a whole batch of them which he won't be eating.
So, he makes plans to come up here, meet me in Chicago, and take me shopping for Christmas because he didn't know what to get for me as gifts. That's bullshit, he knows everything that I love. Anyways, he gets us a hotel, and 2 days later I get a voicemail. I got out of work late that night around 11. I reached my car, anxious to get home to pack, and bake his favorite sweets for a surprise. Instead I sat paralyzed in my car for about 20 minutes.
Voicemail: "Hey, my battery might die on my phone so I won't be able to talk later. Sorry i have to leave you a message like this, but I won't be able to make it tomorrow. I know we just got back together, but the truth is, I broke up with you because I met someone else. I felt bad, so I tried to make my feeligs go away for this person, but I can't. I knew I couldn't come to Chicago in good conscience knowing that I would have to be upfront and honest with you about my situation. So, I'm coming clean to you. I'm sorry things had to be like this, but I had to come clean. Once again, I'm sorry I had to leave you a message like this. Goodbye."
Mmmm. Where do I begin? The first time he broke up with me , he EMAILED me! ON THANKSGIVING!! I still haven't talked to him. The next day, he called and left a message to tell me that the girl is a really good friend of 10 years, and they've been trying to get together for years but they're always with someone else. She just got a divorce. So he decided to high tail it out of the relationship to be with her. Well, she does live in his teeny weeny hometown. So there ya go.
I'm so glad I'm not a revengeful person. I mean, talk about getting shit on. But, I'm cool.
So ladies and gentleman, the poor boy's reasoning wasn't because he's going to Iraq and he's scared, it was because of another girl that he's been dying to be with for the last 10 years of his life. Our year and half relatonship meant nothing to him compared to that.
"He's a great guy, faithful, loving, caring, honest, strong, considerate." If you take all those words and fill them in with the opposites, that would be what he REALLY is.
Jason, it's been real. Thanks for "brightening" my Thanksgiving and my Christmas.
By the way, anyone want chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting? I have a whole batch of them which he won't be eating.
Ah doll, You are better off. You are an amazing gorgeous person with so much to offer, so really he is the one losing out here. I miss you tons and cant wait to see you again, whenever, however. I love you doll.

that totally blows, sweetheart. i can eat the shit out of some cupcakes. you & Robin should totally hang out with me at cactus club sometime this week. maybe wednesday?? we'll see. anyway, i'm there for you, but my stupid ass forgot to pay a phone bill so i have no phone now. but i have a new job & i can call people from there to make plans. sorry about the boy. that's tough....