Bobs Graduation was alright, pretty boring. The extended family is her and my mom is already in a cranky mood, and they are staying for like 2 weeks, Mel Let me borrow her camera which was pretty sweet and had awesome zoom.
I hung out with Lesley on Wensday, and Andrea keeps saying she is leading me along on a leash, and i have to ask is she? im not really expecting her to just up and love me im smarter then that, i know she wont. Maybe she will start using me like most girls have. But then i have to wonder why does Andrea care so much? and why had she not talked to me in forever, untill her fiance viewed it time to dump her? why do i constantly get fucked around with? In other news im thinking of Attending Kendal after i get out of the Oaks to go for a BA in Visual Communication, and Minor in Oil painting, or something to that extent. any advice on the stupid female questions im asking?
I hung out with Lesley on Wensday, and Andrea keeps saying she is leading me along on a leash, and i have to ask is she? im not really expecting her to just up and love me im smarter then that, i know she wont. Maybe she will start using me like most girls have. But then i have to wonder why does Andrea care so much? and why had she not talked to me in forever, untill her fiance viewed it time to dump her? why do i constantly get fucked around with? In other news im thinking of Attending Kendal after i get out of the Oaks to go for a BA in Visual Communication, and Minor in Oil painting, or something to that extent. any advice on the stupid female questions im asking?
like, fuck all girls.
just dont think about them, act like you care anymore than friendship, etc.
take time to work on your life, your self, your shit, know what i mean?
dont be led around on a leash boy, rebound boy, there when someone wants you boy, none of that crap.
Demand respect and mutual caring or tell them to get lost, romantically.
Make a stand for yourself.
only advice i gots.