Christmas was fine. Ummmm hmmmm i didnt really recieve that much, though i thought a head i got my self some presents, lol as did my brother. I bought Napoleon Dynamite whichh is now one of my new favorite movies, and i now have a crush on Tina Majorino who plays the character Deb. The rents didnt really have money for chirstmas, i got like 20bucks from my mom, which i used to buy gas. and she also got me like a little drink shaker. Her B/F got me like 4 shot glasses. I didnt get anything from my dad because he couldnt afford anything. In our secret santa at my Dads Mother and Fathers i got a 4pack of Craftman Pliers, though i dont know what i'll use them on, and the gift reciept is Sears a store i never shop at, lol. i returned them and i think i will give the card to my dad. I was kinda looking forward to something art related, though i dont want to sound ungrateful, i feel like shit for returning the pliers, i might just take the card and rebuy the damn things, even though ill never use them, i could give them to my dad. that could work. I think ill get my brother a FFXI strategy guide this payday to thank him for always helping me out. He got some magic cards and stuff christmas. He bought Shaun of the Dead and Dodgeball 2 great movies. Im considering asking a friend if she would want to start hanging out more often, though im not sure if i should. We were always talking to each other all last semester because she had 2 class periods with me, in which we would just talk and talk. this entry is a little scrambled, lol there is just so much i want to address so i appologize if it reads wierd. I saw Alexx the otherday i guess she broke up with her boyfriend and she wanted to see what i was doing , and how i had been since we stopped hanging out when she met him, i told her School and Work, and Internet, which is all i have been doing. i gave her my number again but i told her id more then likely be busy if she ever called. In other news Mel is helping me with a resume and an Art portfolio which im am stoked about shes a cool person helping me out like that. hmmm. well thats it for now, im sure i have more to write about later.
we just called them red bull and vodka with a splash of grenadine. sorry,not too cool of a name
dude i sent you a sweet ass card in the mail today so be on the look out.