Best Field Trip Ever....... lol
Oh my god it was awesome, the class started at the bergoff resturant before going to the museum, and i had a beer while the kids at the end of the table had a couple then started ordering pitchers which we split between the 3 of us, lol oh it was great, then we walked back to the museum and we got split up, later i find out they went bar hopping, me, Krystal, and Chelsea, were in the museum for like 5 mins, then we went to Millienum Park and started exploring the area in a 5-6 block radius it was cool, i was walking around chicago with them drunk, at Millienum Park by the Ice Rink, there was this super hot Acordian player, she was "wow", and i said to Krystal and Chels, man,that girl is smoking hot and plays the Acordian. to which Krystal and Chels said go up and talk to her, they didnt think i would so i went up to her and droped some money in her case, and i stoped her and i said "excuse me but you are real hot, i mean you are beautiful!, can i take your picture?" and she was all blushing and stuff it was cool, sucks though cuz my camera fucked up and it didnt take, i took 2 and they both didnt come out!!! Krystal was like "oh Dave she was so flattered, you made her day!!! she was red when you walked back" But that girl was hot. so we went walking after that, and went over the millenium walk Bridge, and then went back to Michigan Ave and started walking West , found a book shop where Krystal bought a Porn mag to look at on the bus. lol, then when we got back to the bus, we saw our friends again, and they sat with us in the back seat ( it was a cool bus so the seat goes across the whole back so it can seat 5 people) and Krystal showed off her Mag , and Kelli was like "you guys found a fucking porn shop! where!" Krystal told her we just went to the book store and were in the museum for like 5 mins, lol and then Kelli told us here and Josh went Barhopping, and had helped herself to some silverware from the resturant. and she picked up a Pint of Hennessy for the road , lol so we stopped at the tollroad rest stop and got some small beverages and filled them half way, mine was a good half and half of coke and hennessy. lol i was basically drunk the whole day and trip, it was great we also stoped at a coffee shop buy the campus of Art Institutes it was pretty nice, though it wasnt the campus coffee house it was like Cosi or something but nice, we go to explore a little bit of the campus building for like 10 mins i saw some of the class rooms that had me daydreaming about how i would love to go to school there and live in chicago. I want this so bad i want to go to an Art School and be a cool Art School Snob, lol but i doubt that will happen but i can hope, and in the mean time i got Kelli and Josh Interested in SG so hopefully they will check it out, Kelli is the fucking shit, Josh was saiding something about how there was a lot of hennessy in his cup and she was like "OH does your pussy hurt? you fucking wussy" which was the funniest thing ive heard a girl say to a guy "does you pussy hurt?" lol and then she was like"grab your balls out of your purse and put them on" Hmmm there was a lot that went on it was awesome. oh and Krystal told me i had to go to this Strip Club with them on Thanksgiving, she was going to enter amatur night, so i could go to thanksgiving and sit on the couch silent all night hating being ignored by the extended family or go to a strip club and see my beautiful friend get naked, lol ummmmm is there a choice here? i mean really? Oh yeah Hedeen and Shawn where here when i was gone and got me Chtulhu shirt, which is awesome it says "KFC : Kids for Chtulhu" lol with a pic of Chtulhu in his tenticle glory, lol it has "Tenticle licking good!!!!"
well i work 12 to 8 tonight and shit i have like a half in hour to get ready so ill see you all later ,
Oh my god it was awesome, the class started at the bergoff resturant before going to the museum, and i had a beer while the kids at the end of the table had a couple then started ordering pitchers which we split between the 3 of us, lol oh it was great, then we walked back to the museum and we got split up, later i find out they went bar hopping, me, Krystal, and Chelsea, were in the museum for like 5 mins, then we went to Millienum Park and started exploring the area in a 5-6 block radius it was cool, i was walking around chicago with them drunk, at Millienum Park by the Ice Rink, there was this super hot Acordian player, she was "wow", and i said to Krystal and Chels, man,that girl is smoking hot and plays the Acordian. to which Krystal and Chels said go up and talk to her, they didnt think i would so i went up to her and droped some money in her case, and i stoped her and i said "excuse me but you are real hot, i mean you are beautiful!, can i take your picture?" and she was all blushing and stuff it was cool, sucks though cuz my camera fucked up and it didnt take, i took 2 and they both didnt come out!!! Krystal was like "oh Dave she was so flattered, you made her day!!! she was red when you walked back" But that girl was hot. so we went walking after that, and went over the millenium walk Bridge, and then went back to Michigan Ave and started walking West , found a book shop where Krystal bought a Porn mag to look at on the bus. lol, then when we got back to the bus, we saw our friends again, and they sat with us in the back seat ( it was a cool bus so the seat goes across the whole back so it can seat 5 people) and Krystal showed off her Mag , and Kelli was like "you guys found a fucking porn shop! where!" Krystal told her we just went to the book store and were in the museum for like 5 mins, lol and then Kelli told us here and Josh went Barhopping, and had helped herself to some silverware from the resturant. and she picked up a Pint of Hennessy for the road , lol so we stopped at the tollroad rest stop and got some small beverages and filled them half way, mine was a good half and half of coke and hennessy. lol i was basically drunk the whole day and trip, it was great we also stoped at a coffee shop buy the campus of Art Institutes it was pretty nice, though it wasnt the campus coffee house it was like Cosi or something but nice, we go to explore a little bit of the campus building for like 10 mins i saw some of the class rooms that had me daydreaming about how i would love to go to school there and live in chicago. I want this so bad i want to go to an Art School and be a cool Art School Snob, lol but i doubt that will happen but i can hope, and in the mean time i got Kelli and Josh Interested in SG so hopefully they will check it out, Kelli is the fucking shit, Josh was saiding something about how there was a lot of hennessy in his cup and she was like "OH does your pussy hurt? you fucking wussy" which was the funniest thing ive heard a girl say to a guy "does you pussy hurt?" lol and then she was like"grab your balls out of your purse and put them on" Hmmm there was a lot that went on it was awesome. oh and Krystal told me i had to go to this Strip Club with them on Thanksgiving, she was going to enter amatur night, so i could go to thanksgiving and sit on the couch silent all night hating being ignored by the extended family or go to a strip club and see my beautiful friend get naked, lol ummmmm is there a choice here? i mean really? Oh yeah Hedeen and Shawn where here when i was gone and got me Chtulhu shirt, which is awesome it says "KFC : Kids for Chtulhu" lol with a pic of Chtulhu in his tenticle glory, lol it has "Tenticle licking good!!!!"
well i work 12 to 8 tonight and shit i have like a half in hour to get ready so ill see you all later ,
haha KFC.