I just rememebred something today... not that i would forget , but.. last saturday.. I went with my best friend and her sister to a bar and they met two dudues there. after the bar closes the guys wanted to hang out at their place. so we did and Of course me being the third wheel and no one giving a shit about it.. I wanted to leave.. Around 20 min., till 4 am. I say bye to the guys and wait for them outside. I waited 20 min. and they were still inside. and i walkjed to the corner and wanted to see if they would finally come out andso that we can leave. I waited another 20 min. and they were not coming. a while later her sis calls and aswks where I am and she she got mad at me for being at the corner. Apparently she left me behind in the desert housing area near joe battle ( for you fellow el pasoans.) and the dudes end up taking me home because she refused to even look for me. Whata pal. I didn't sleep for 24 hours after that. I had a horrible night.
What the fuck should I do man? It's hard to pretend like nothing happened. You know?
What the fuck should I do man? It's hard to pretend like nothing happened. You know?

For me, it takes time to let go of pure anger towards someone, but it does happen eventually. Have you talked to your friend about it yet, about how fucked up it was of her to leave you like that?
It's too hard to pretend...for me at least...I would confront her, especially if you really do care about this friendship...maybe you'll be able to let it go if you speak to her about it?
*Last night I celebrated a birthday with someone dear to me at Jaguars, and there was this gorgeous stripper there that used your name, Monaj...I thought about you!!!
Anyways, it was fun, you can't go wrong with nekkid girls!