I'm here helping my girlfriend move back into the dorms, and as I'm trying to carry in a couch (single handedly, cause i am so fucking strong) this RA asshole comes up to me and says that I have to wait in line. I tell him to fuck off, and that I am carrying this couch up to her dorm. He gets pissed and makes a grab for his whistle so I dropped the couch on his feet. He dropped like a brick, howling and grabbing his toes. I picked up the couch and walked away, stepping on his toes on the way. This just made the pussy yell even more, some shit about a compound fracture, and that the blood is ruining his shoes. I put the couch down, walked back over to him and asked him what the hell his problem was. He tried to swing at me, so I stepped back, grabbed some dirt and put it in his mouth. I brought the couch up to the dorm, and I'm hiding out now, cause I think campus police are combing the area. Fuck, this shit always happens.
That totally did happen.