Speaking with the Dead
Philip K. Dick [by Erik Davis]

After spending the bulk of his life cranking out pulp paperbacks for peanuts, the science fiction writer Philip K. Dick is now finally recognized as one of the most visionary authors the genre has ever produced. While masterminds like Arthur C. Clarke anticipated technological breakthroughs, Dick, whose speed-ravaged heart called it quits in 1982 when...
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i Bought that darn punk and it is good if you can suffer for about 38 minutes of surfer punk bullshit, i mean some of it is utterly unwatchable, my roomate that owns a Sailor Moon watch and countless comics, books, and all of his original teeth was bragging about being more punk than any of those blokes, so that made it amusing, but i thought it was amusing that everyone hated this movie and normally that is a good sigh, the movie improves 300 percent and it is actually good, you can find it for 17 dollars, but after seeing safe the last dance maybe my opinions about movies has changed 300 percent............ bah who knows?
Gah! Sad, but my head is too web-logged to read all that. I'll have tocheck back.

She's going by Ramona. She got out again and this time we had to tip the stove over and pull her out of the insulation inside of it. It's a good thing she's a noisy little girl. We may never have found her otherwise.

Wow, just read the last line of your entry. Now I feel motivated to read the rest.
I feel like I haven't been here in forever...I think I even felt withdrawal pangs...

I read the newest Harry Potter, it was ok, I didn't like the first one, but the second was better, and the third was better than the second...I think the fourth was the best of the five...

I've also been listening to alot of cat stevens, siouxsie & the banshees...
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i saw 28 days and was bored, i have seen so many i was like BAM! he is copying this Bam he copying that, one scene was a straight up rip off of dawn of the dead, but it is real hard to be originial in this day and age and someof it might be a zombie or rage coinsidence, but i just thought it was boring, maybe i saw it when i wasnt in the proper mood, maybe i am booing the pig, i am not sure, but i didnt like Trainspotting either...... like the kid walking on the ceiling......yawn, it seems like he exploits the shock of kids doing something horrible and oUt of ordinary, but i change my mind every 15 sec, and 8 oclock in morning..........i am not in my right mind

I bought cough...... that darn punk...... cough

i will tell you how it is ... everyone hates it,

have you seen six stringed samuri, the red elvises are really cool and really nice but dont ask for hi 5 or they will act confused, and the dvd is easy to find
ohhhh, THAT....a pedantic list of everything i am reading at the moment and wondering what you are reading. i can't seem to get a grip on savouring one book at a time, i actually BROUGHT six books from the library back home, to seattle, because i couldn't stop reading them and now they are all overdue and daily i pay for my little problem...black tar heroin edits his comments all the time, it drives me FUCKING CRAZY because often i have already read them and they were well worth preserving, and sometimes i will go back to them cuz they made me laugh and smile and they've VANISHED into little xxxxx's

it's a good thing to not be on-line for a while

someday i will go off-line and never get on again
I want this soooooo fucking bad... HumVee Folding Bike

my credit card is getting itchy...must resist...

anybody wanna give me $750.....hahahaha....

EL SUICIDO LOCO this one kicks this monkey's ass..

it reminds me of that scene in that movie with that thing and then something happens and fuck if I can remember what I'm trying to think about....
oh yeah that movie where the kids go up into the necronomicon i remember
Gallagher's got nothin on this guy......

"The group of entertainers have tried blowing up rats and hamsters with helium to make what they called organic balloons. The animals exploded and the remains were plashed at the audience."


this is better: http://www.rathergood.com/mark/

there is a guy who rides my bus and he always has his gineau pig with him. he brings it on in a cage. he lays a towel over his shoulder. he opens the cage, kisses the rodent, and sets it o his shoulder. it is a beautiful auburn color. he rides with it like that, and right before his stop, he takes it from his shoulder, kisses it, and puts it back in the cage. the best part of this is that he looks like a sumo wrestler, big, mean, angry. he is one of my favorite strangers ever.

i'll tell you more scary monkey stories later
i like 28 days later it has a certain artistry

that's all i got for today...

surreal robot

mondays suck...

haaa...like you needed the reminder...
i have off on mondays i woke up at fucking 8;45 everything is closed, the rope swing is busted, Block buster doesnt have any good games in........... and so on
I'm going to see a friend's band, Four Volts, play in Jersey City tonight...free music at the link, if you'd like...I like Anna the Marigold the best of the three...but than again I also like Rearange Me...and of course they have other good ones as well...

They used to be called Bunsen Honeydew, which I thought was brillant, but then they got a letter...
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Last night's show was too good...one of the opening bands, Bugs Eat Books, hooked me the fuck up! I tried to buy their 7" and for 5 bucks I got the 7" plus 3 CD's. eeek

Bugs Eat Books - at sixes and sevens 7" (it has a japanese painting of monkeys on it!!), against the sun CD-EP
the wee turtles - s/t CD
and a BumbleBear Records comp CD - Build Your Own Radio (which has so many bands I've never heard of...but are really great)

Hells Yeah!

Fave lyric of the day, courteous of Koko and the future:
You remind me of a radio left out in the rain...
Ever since the stuffing started coming out my sock monkey when i was three i have been afraid of monkeys

but i'm not afraid of you
or the gorilla suit
Ever heard of The Animal Collective?

Me neither till today, and so far only one song "hey light"

lots of driving guitar screech...screams every other verse, punctuated by the guitar...and it ends with chanting and handclaps....!

it did take me a few listens to get it, but now I can't stop and it's on perpetual loop. robot
depends on how much agony you want to inflict upon yourself...i would recommend her short stories, because they are amusing and over quickly. you get a taste of her brilliance without getting beat up in the process. don't get me wrong, atwood if amazing, but i'm not always up for the quagmire of the human heart and the cruelty it is capable of. i'm trying to promote volutuousness and hope (an act of defiance in the face of the entire world or perhaps only in the face of my self).
definately in the face of my self, holy shit
I'm heading out to the bike shop, do a little test riding, make sure the folding bikes are sturdy enough to at least hop a curb.

I can almost see me rounding the corner, fucking it up, bringing it back......

breaking stuff that doesn't belong to anyone is always funn...so long as you don't end up paying for it.

The local pet store has gotten a new shipment of hamsters and chinchillas. I may be in trouble.
what a charming chinchilla(?) you have
I've been forgiven smile
booooo....the RIAA is looking to sue individual downloaders and although you might think it's a scare tactic and an unachievable idea, they obviously have the courts on their side and have started collecting names.

no doubt i am going down, my days have gone way to well... i like the fact that The RIAA has " lined up nearly three dozen artists, including Missy Elliott, Shakira, Eve and the Dixie Chicks, to support its plans to sue music fans. "

i am sure Shakira and those other rich fuckers are feeling the blow as much as bands like the Scuffs, or Hank 3.. See i am not rich enough lets teach those poor bastards who is BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i use KazaA and i see that it was mentioned

i buy cds and i download music, but ever since i have downloaded music i sell less and less of my cds, you can weed out the crap, and there are some shit i have downloaded that i would be embarrased to buy..

like _____________. and _________.

It is just stupid for one , if they sue the customers people are going to just stop listening to the artist that are rallying against them, more than half those fuckers dont even write their own music.......

they deserve to be stole from........

and thank Jesus for the KazaA

i listen to a lot more music and i see movies i cant get in the US............... BAHHHHH

this makes freedom look a little less FREE
see you in court

god i think i am going to download some MISSY ELIOT and made a couple DIXIE CHICKS songs, we have a tranny tape called DICKSEY CHICKS, i got worried one of the boys looks like an ex-girlfriend,,,,,,,, EEEEEk
Apple just came out with iChat AV
fucking brillant, no more typing, the speech works like a charm and it's free!!!!!
So of course in my enthusiasm I went out and bought the iSight camera. Holy Fucking Chat Batman...now I'm a video conferencing fool...
Can I be anymore married to my laptop?..this will no doubt seal the deal...
I've been thinking about getting a...
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griselda is gorgeous, so photogenic, she would be perfect on a suicidepets site.

are chinchillas nice rodents? where do they land in the rat/hamster continuum? as in rats are smart and friendly and you can carry them anywhere and hamsters are adorable but stupid and mean...or are they above such comparisons? i've never met a chinchilla.

its funny. FAVORITE FILMS is like asking for favorite songs instead of FAVORITE BANDS , especially on this site where everyone's tastes are so obscure, the same with FAVORITE BOOKS, should be favorite directors and authors, but they won't listen.

i am leaning on the idea of breaking all my bones with style, viva la FRENCH TOAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

viva LA quimper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

viva LA d peters