Bleh bleh bleh...I am sick sick sick. So sick that cigarettes cannot be smoked...so sick that the puffs plus lotion is all over my track pad...so sick that...well you don't want to know.
Anyways I've been browsing http://www.allmusic.com/ and am finding all new music...even from artists I already knew about ie: Rose Melburg...sure I have Tiger Trap, Softies, Gaze, Go Sailor, a patty duke tribute...
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3am and i just found out Mark Gardener (Ride) is playing an acoustic show in nyc tomorrow night...and I maybe able to get in free through friends...luck shines on me today...usually I'm a day late and an a dollar short shocked
Looks like he's just playing in April but if you're in these areas..check it out http://www.mareasub.it/ride/mgmicro/tour.htm
randomly stumbled here while looking for music and couldn't resist wink
you should put up a better pic you can barely be seen...
alright anyways so i have to ask... do you listen to ani difranco? one of your quotes the one for occupations ounded like a quote for her...!!! i love her to death he is fucking insanely awesome...
..and here I was thinking the blurry effect did me justice...lol

Anyways the quote is just a coincidence...I do like Ani, but I've got issues...I only really like her acoustic stuff...Out of Range is my fave...She's lost me with her last few...I'm a sucker though and have bought everything so far...

Damn I really like ellipses...
or would that be ellipsises...?
ugh that doesn't look right either...

[Edited on Mar 09, 2003]

[Edited on Jun 22, 2003]