What were you thinking?
Every now and again we all have moments in our lives when we think what the? Or what were you thinking?
They can fall under various categories and the one I'm going to explore today is the one were if you had been somewhere else, someone else or just simply in a different universe it would have been a compliment. Unfortunately, none of the above applied so you were left with "what were you thinking?"
I'll give you two personal examples of what I am talking about.
1) Back in the 80's I went to visit a lesbian friend of mine at her new home. Needless to say she had many friends visiting her however at that precious moment I was the only male along with 5 or 6 other lesbians who were also visiting. Some of whom even in the short time I was there I could tell wanted to get in her knickers. However, my friend "bless her" introduced me in the following way "Hi everyone, (pause as she waits for every ones full attention), this is the only man I would every sleep with".. Strangely, there was stunned silence as the tumble weed rolled through the room, followed by an Artic wind. I just stood there and grinned like a guy facing a firing squad. I understand my friend wanted to express how important I was to her but making me into a hate figure really was not the best way of going about it.
2) I was at a pub with a married couple who are friends of mine before we went onto a nightclub, his wife left us to go to the loo (or restroom for the Americans). He and I happily continued chatting away to each other when two girls tottered & I mean tottered over arm in arm. They looked up at me and one of them uttered the immortal phrase "My friend fancies you". My friend and I looked at each other & simultaneously burst out laugh.
I appreciate that was not the appropriate response but it was the most effective. They could not have been anymore than 14 or 15, they should have been in bed and they were more than half my age at the time. Oddly at 35 I do not expect to be chatted up as if I'm a pubescent student in a school playground. It really doesn't do it for me & more importantly is not a compliment
Every now and again we all have moments in our lives when we think what the? Or what were you thinking?
They can fall under various categories and the one I'm going to explore today is the one were if you had been somewhere else, someone else or just simply in a different universe it would have been a compliment. Unfortunately, none of the above applied so you were left with "what were you thinking?"
I'll give you two personal examples of what I am talking about.
1) Back in the 80's I went to visit a lesbian friend of mine at her new home. Needless to say she had many friends visiting her however at that precious moment I was the only male along with 5 or 6 other lesbians who were also visiting. Some of whom even in the short time I was there I could tell wanted to get in her knickers. However, my friend "bless her" introduced me in the following way "Hi everyone, (pause as she waits for every ones full attention), this is the only man I would every sleep with".. Strangely, there was stunned silence as the tumble weed rolled through the room, followed by an Artic wind. I just stood there and grinned like a guy facing a firing squad. I understand my friend wanted to express how important I was to her but making me into a hate figure really was not the best way of going about it.
2) I was at a pub with a married couple who are friends of mine before we went onto a nightclub, his wife left us to go to the loo (or restroom for the Americans). He and I happily continued chatting away to each other when two girls tottered & I mean tottered over arm in arm. They looked up at me and one of them uttered the immortal phrase "My friend fancies you". My friend and I looked at each other & simultaneously burst out laugh.
I appreciate that was not the appropriate response but it was the most effective. They could not have been anymore than 14 or 15, they should have been in bed and they were more than half my age at the time. Oddly at 35 I do not expect to be chatted up as if I'm a pubescent student in a school playground. It really doesn't do it for me & more importantly is not a compliment
sorry i didnt say this sooner, but thanks for the comment on my photo. Actually, not thanks for the comment but thanks for actually taking the time to look at my set.