I have an evil addiction to Bejeweled at the moment. i like playing the never ending game and loosing hours of my life. Also i get too much pleasure in the orgasmic 5 in a row thing that zaps the shit out of the screen. Equally cool is when you get a massive combo when you don't realise your going to. Must go back to the jewels now.
More Blogs
Sunday Jun 17, 2007
bored of this -
Wednesday May 16, 2007
OMG I really hope this isn't real http://www.flickr.com/photo… -
Tuesday May 15, 2007
Scientology Documentary scary shit. I'm never buying anything rela… -
Saturday May 12, 2007
port forwarding is fucking bollocks. Why is it so complicated why can… -
Friday May 11, 2007
It's so difficult choosing what to sink to my Zen Vision:M (fuck why … -
Thursday May 10, 2007
I have an evil addiction to Bejeweled at the moment. i like playing t… -
Wednesday May 09, 2007
I have a load of joost invites if anyone wants one. -
Tuesday May 01, 2007
I want Mark Lanegan's voice. It's so fucking sexy. -
Tuesday Nov 21, 2006
I fucking hate SAD -
Thursday Aug 31, 2006
W00t no credit card debt.
Bejeweled sucks me in, too.