so I finally watched both fantastic four movies and I have to say that I quite enjoyed them...I mean they were a little stupid and cheesy at times but I am now officially ok with Chris Evans being the new Captain America because he was a great Human Torch..but I guess I am a sucker for anything I've decided I have to watch the second Punisher movie, Ghost Rider, the last Xmen movie and even Elektra just so I can see more of my favorite comic book characters come to life. Oh, and on the subject of movies I saw Date Night last night and I urge you all to go see it if you haven't already because it is definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen and it is absolutely one of the funniest flicks ever...
and on a completely different note I have tomorrow off and I promise to have more webcam pictures up here for you guys to enjoy
so good night all

so good night all

And I really can't wait for Green Lantern