I gots me a job! I had been thouroughly enjoying unemployment up until about a week-and-a-half ago when I realized that the money would be gone soon. But, I found gainful employment at a nice little bar here that also allows me to do my country d.j. thing. Everyone is really great there, and I fit right in (which is kinda scary). I have...
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I gots me a job! I had been thouroughly enjoying unemployment up until about a week-and-a-half ago when I realized that the money would be gone soon. But, I found gainful employment at a nice little bar here that also allows me to do my country d.j. thing. Everyone is really great there, and I fit right in (which is kinda scary). I have...
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Sooooo, I finally have my computer hooked back up. Seattle is great, but it hasn't rained since I got here
Oh well, I suppose I should just be patient.
I am enjoying unemployment a little too much right now, and I need a job...badly. I need to go get a bartending liscence and attend state-sponsored classes to get a bartending job here, so that sucks!!...
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I am enjoying unemployment a little too much right now, and I need a job...badly. I need to go get a bartending liscence and attend state-sponsored classes to get a bartending job here, so that sucks!!...
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Well, this will be my last time on this site before I get to Seattle. Time has flown by. I can't wait to get out of this town. YAY!
Ya I can't keep secrets either... I'm really nosy too so it's a double edged sword. As soon as you get back into town, hook me up with your new addy so I can send your package.
xoxo Alexis
xoxo Alexis
Hoo-boy! I finally have a day off! This is my first day off in a month. I'm so happy! but all the work is worth it...I will be leaving for my move to Seattle on June 29th.
It's good to be back...I have had NO free time lately, so I've been dormant for quite a while. I'm actually suprised that I'm still an active member...
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It's good to be back...I have had NO free time lately, so I've been dormant for quite a while. I'm actually suprised that I'm still an active member...
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sure yer fucked up, but i fail to see how that has any relevance. it hasn't stopped other people's artistic crusades. if ya think about it, gnarly agonized bleeding naked men nailed to sticks make a pretty gruesome artifact, but that never stopped the catholics from hanging them up everywhere.
i figure food is not so different from drugs. some people are neurochemically unsuited for certain substances, and will have a predictably terrible time when they try and get high on them. some people are not meant to be vegetarian. so be it. who cares how long you live if you feel like shit the whole time. "oh boy! i'm gonna live till i'm 99 if i eat a 1/2 pound of bran every day. of course i'll have to live on the toilet..."
i figure food is not so different from drugs. some people are neurochemically unsuited for certain substances, and will have a predictably terrible time when they try and get high on them. some people are not meant to be vegetarian. so be it. who cares how long you live if you feel like shit the whole time. "oh boy! i'm gonna live till i'm 99 if i eat a 1/2 pound of bran every day. of course i'll have to live on the toilet..."
Hey, if you haven't already... shoot me an email to alexissuicide@yahoo.com and I'll add you to my mailing list. I'm looking for other artists.
Damn! Everything is changing SOOO quickly. I now have come up with my master plan (I sound like a mad super-villian...Mwah-ha-ha-ha) and all is falling into place! I am actually able to move to Seattle in two months instead of having to wait about a year. I have been working non-stop double shifts for a week now to save money, and I fear that my...
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So why the move to Seattle?
So I am officially back together with my ex-fiance. I dropped her off at the airport last night. I am so happy and also really depressed now that I wont get to see her for months. I just have to save up enough money to move to Seattle. Unfortunately, with the economy as shitty as it is, that is proving to be more dificult than...
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the whole world is slow right now. paris is comparatively quiet, which is almost inconceivable. toronto's gonna be a frickin ghost town.
good luck with the new/old lurv.
good luck with the new/old lurv.

HOLY SHIT....I have not been in this good a mood in a LOOOONNNGGG time! I had a hell of a good day yesterday...(about damn time).
My ex-fiancee (whom I haven't seen in 3 years) got into town last night. We remained friends this whole time, but it now appeears that we are well on the road to getting back together. The only unfortunate thing about...
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My ex-fiancee (whom I haven't seen in 3 years) got into town last night. We remained friends this whole time, but it now appeears that we are well on the road to getting back together. The only unfortunate thing about...
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This has got to be one of the coolest sites I've seen in a while:
Click the link to take a personality test to see which Simpsons character you are most like.
I'm most like Mr. Burns...I've always felt like a crotchety old man...Now I just need money! Excellent!
Click the link to take a personality test to see which Simpsons character you are most like.
I'm most like Mr. Burns...I've always felt like a crotchety old man...Now I just need money! Excellent!
haha I am Krusty the clown
i am also marge. i don't think they're diving deep enough into the character catalog. i like to think of myself more as a Frank Scorpio... a real people person who just wants a few billion dollars and an island to myself, and maybe i gotta step on a few toes to get it.
why am i your only friend? i know, it's our common surliness. You aren't Mr. Burns, you're Surly Duff. "surly's lookin' out for one guy: surly."
why am i your only friend? i know, it's our common surliness. You aren't Mr. Burns, you're Surly Duff. "surly's lookin' out for one guy: surly."
Aarrggghhh! Now the flu....at least it's not SARS....I hope.
I've had a pretty crappy month and a half...got dumped, got trapped in a blizzard and now I'm sick. Oh well...no where to go but up...or sideways. At least baseball season has started.

it's that evil fake spring of a couple weeks ago. you don't have SARS, and if you did, only Canadians die from it, apparently.
i read a question on a health forum that made me laugh, but then made me say 'oh, i guess that's not a stupid question.' they wanted to know if it was still safe to shop at the Asian grocery, or if the bug could stick to dry goods for extended journeys.
nasal sex...jezus! too much time on their hands. actually that brings to mind a great quote from someone's journal:
a man with too much time on his hands has his dick in one of them.
i read a question on a health forum that made me laugh, but then made me say 'oh, i guess that's not a stupid question.' they wanted to know if it was still safe to shop at the Asian grocery, or if the bug could stick to dry goods for extended journeys.
nasal sex...jezus! too much time on their hands. actually that brings to mind a great quote from someone's journal:
a man with too much time on his hands has his dick in one of them.
for damn sure it's a conspiracy. would humans have made it this far, through the sewerless slums of medieval europe, if we could be slain by every bug that comes around? that kind of fear...the germs can smell it, they'll come right for ya and "prove" it all. as for me, i spent my first 10 years on a farm, and i have never once been hospitalized, nor do i expect to be any time soon, despite some horrid degenerative disease legacies.
WHY WHY WHY is it that the only night I get cabin fever is the night of the biggest goddamned blizzard to hit the area in decades? Normally I'm fine just staying in, but now that I literally CANNOT go anywhere, I'm crawling out of my skin! And to make matters worse, I've got a bottle of Maker's Mark, but no cola to mix it...
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Grrrrrrrrr I hate this weather!!
haha that story about the rubber dicks is priceless... but now a days the customs people at the airport might give someone with 25 lbs of rubber dicks a bit of grief. Yeah I know, I know, who the hell is gotta try to hijack a plane with 25 lbs of rubber dicks? haha

haha that story about the rubber dicks is priceless... but now a days the customs people at the airport might give someone with 25 lbs of rubber dicks a bit of grief. Yeah I know, I know, who the hell is gotta try to hijack a plane with 25 lbs of rubber dicks? haha
Tonight I am "celebrating" the end of a 2 year long relationship with whiskey and codeine. At least it ended on good terms. Still hurts tho.
Somebody tell me a joke...
Tonight I am "celebrating" the end of a 2 year long relationship with whiskey and codeine. At least it ended on good terms. Still hurts tho.
Somebody tell me a joke...
Like, as in today is the first day without it, or you are celebrating an anniversary after having quit? If it's the former, you are gonna be hurting tomorrow! Sleep, sleep long and hard!!!!!
I'm a jello shot. I thought that was funny. And gross. Read Cenobite's journal, he has a funny story about some stoner kids.
I'm a jello shot. I thought that was funny. And gross. Read Cenobite's journal, he has a funny story about some stoner kids.
I didn't realize that my entry could be read two completely different ways until just now...so let me clarify.
I am (was) drinking and taking codeine because I was just dumped...by a girl I've been seeing for two years.
I didn't realize that my entry could be read two completely different ways until just now...so let me clarify.
I am (was) drinking and taking codeine because I was just dumped...by a girl I've been seeing for two years.
except me