Well I have let my fondness of this site slip. Allow me to make up for it with a new blog!
Been spending most of my time at work. Having a lot of fun with the woman I work with. She is very kind and easy to get along with. She also cracks me up. Which if you can get me laughing it is a HUGE plus! And the weather has been making either warm and nice or snowy and beautiful!
Spent some time down in Texas. It was so nice to not be too hot down there for once!
Taught my dad how to work with his horse a little.
Also spent some time in Westcliffe.
There is just no beating these views!
If your little town has a sign like this, then it's my kind of town!
Mostly I have been just relaxing. Taking nice baths.
Taking random pictures.
And trying to stay out of trouble. It's been working for the most part!
As always,
Love you SG world!!
Been spending most of my time at work. Having a lot of fun with the woman I work with. She is very kind and easy to get along with. She also cracks me up. Which if you can get me laughing it is a HUGE plus! And the weather has been making either warm and nice or snowy and beautiful!
Spent some time down in Texas. It was so nice to not be too hot down there for once!
Taught my dad how to work with his horse a little.
Also spent some time in Westcliffe.
There is just no beating these views!
If your little town has a sign like this, then it's my kind of town!
Mostly I have been just relaxing. Taking nice baths.
Taking random pictures.
And trying to stay out of trouble. It's been working for the most part!
As always,
Love you SG world!!
Trying to stay out of trouble for the win.
Happy birthday!