Well I have let my fondness of this site slip. Allow me to make up for it with a new blog!
Been spending most of my time at work. Having a lot of fun with the woman I work with. She is very kind and easy to get along with. She also cracks me up. Which if you can get me laughing it is a...
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Been spending most of my time at work. Having a lot of fun with the woman I work with. She is very kind and easy to get along with. She also cracks me up. Which if you can get me laughing it is a...
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Trying to stay out of trouble for the win.
Happy birthday!
HELLO NURSE! *CAT CATS* uhh I mean you look gorgeous.
Hey all! Life is wonderful! Hope it is for everyone else too!!!
Check out my set and show some love!
Love you SG world!
Check out my set and show some love!
Love you SG world!
Nothing new really. Lot's of fun to be had at work! I have had sore cheeks from all the laughing for three days straight. I was learning to jump in an English saddle, and for the most part it went well. I only fell off once and that was yesterday! Very entertaining. I have been teaching a lot lately also. Riding lessons on the weekends...
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So I have officially (probably) never been this excited in my life! I have a set in MR and it's made it to the front page!!!!
You can't see it but I am dancing like crazy!
Check it out!
Love you SG world! Thank you already for the wonderful comments!
You can't see it but I am dancing like crazy!
Check it out!
Love you SG world! Thank you already for the wonderful comments!
Love the set location!
Good luck!
Love the set location!
Good luck!
Thank you for not photoshopping out your "flaws". You are a gorgeous woman!
Hopeful Set
OK! Not a whole lot of new things to talk about!
I gave notice at my work. I am going to find something part-time so that I can spend more time with my son. I tend to miss the little guy throughout the day and it's kind of a drag.
My washer broke. It will fill with water, rinse and drain but it refuses to...
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I gave notice at my work. I am going to find something part-time so that I can spend more time with my son. I tend to miss the little guy throughout the day and it's kind of a drag.
My washer broke. It will fill with water, rinse and drain but it refuses to...
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Excellent first set. You are gorgeous! You look great topless in jeans.
OK! So I have decided that I need to be the boss at work! Not really (I would hate that job) but it's a nice thought! It seems like I say something about how the truck needs to be fixed and, because I am a woman, I am ignored. Then I am the one that stays after everyone has left to fix it right since...
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I have decided that I am in love. (Not just recently, I've known for quite some time.) I'm treated well and so is my son. We have gone through a bit of a struggle lately, and it is making it sort of hard for me to maintain my patience. I really am working on being a supportive, loving person. It's not my typical style, but...
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listen to your heart more then your head and you won't be able to screw it up. you realize what your doing and that's half the battle. you're gonna make it kid
Alright! So it's time for a new blog.
First off, I am still in love with my job... that is a good thing.
I am getting my tattoo touched up a little at a time starting tomorrow. (Ink work by Noshimonoriku, who is basically amazing. <3 his work!!! Everyone!!!!)
I am planning a trip to Tx for September. I hope to get down there...
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First off, I am still in love with my job... that is a good thing.
I am getting my tattoo touched up a little at a time starting tomorrow. (Ink work by Noshimonoriku, who is basically amazing. <3 his work!!! Everyone!!!!)
I am planning a trip to Tx for September. I hope to get down there...
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Uuuugh cleaning sucks, Set looks to be awesome thought, well done you
So my set was accepted for MR!!!!!!!!!!! It goes on aug 31st!! I am almost content just making it that far!
Check it out!!!
Love you SG world!
Check it out!!!
Love you SG world!