I am really excited to be part of the SG "family" I guess you could say. My set goes up in MR in April, which seems far away but that just give me more time to work on a kick ass set for my next pictures. I'm pretty sure I have secured about ten memberships just of my guy friends who are super pumped to see my naked ass on the internet. Today is going to be an interesting/productive day. My boyfriend is going to finally meet my parents...rut row. I figured since he already has met my friends and my siblings, the parents are the next step. My mom is a very sweet but judgmental/protective mom. I love her to death but sometimes she is just ridiculous. Should definitely be an interesting conversation. I also have to study for a giant math test on tuesday...boo mathematics. At least its only one of two math classes to get my degree so its going to be a breeze. In other news, I just found a new apartment! Its a really cute two bedroom in town closer to my job, so that's always great since I'm broke and cant afford to drive a half hour to work every day. I am going to try and blog at least twice if not more a week so that I can keep you guys in the loop!
welcome hun
And good luck with ur bf