Hopeful Since 2015

Self acceptance- a beggining.


I've experienced a personally stressful week. With family, friends and escaping an unhealthy mental state about a guy. I have learnt through some gorgeous vegan girls I got to tattoo this week that no one will save you. Only I can truly save myself and help me! It's going to be a slow journey to get into the practice of self love, acceptance and self care. It's never selfish to do what you must do. I must help me now for no one will. I'm starting to eat more calories and more whole foods again and went on a jog so feeling very myself again and back on track slowly. I love the body, so I did some photos myself :) and i feel good :) sorry for the long post.....wish I had a potato.. X

you rock
Be your self as nobody will be better at it than you 
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